学科:英语 revision1module5-6 课型:复习课 课时:3
教学目标 四会单词,句子
教学重点 四会单词,句子
教学难点 四会句子
教学步骤 抄写,读背,听写
words:shop ill biscuit worry all computer careful fix jigsaw puzzle
pet mouse
let the students read these words together .
give them time to remember the words
have a dictation.
1. word phrases:
have a drink here you are watch tv
have an ice cream go to the shop have these biscuits
have some sweets come in read a book
don’t worry in bed play with my computer game
listen to my cds go to bed have got a new kite
have got a game be careful have got a jigsaw puzzle
let the students read these words together .
give them time to remember the word phrases.
have a dictation.
2. sentences:
can i have an ice cream? yes, here you are.
yes, you can. no, you can’t.
can i come in? can i read this book?
i’m sorry. don’t worry.
i’ve got a new kite. i’ve got a computer game.
we’ve got a jiasaw puzzle.
she’s got a pet cat.
4.grammar: has got/have got