
Color picture tube


专利名称:Color picture tube

发明人:Shimizu, Norio,Nihei, Fumiaki,Uchikawa,




摘要:The radius of curvature of the outer surface of a panel (3) is 10,000 mm or more,and a shadow mask (7) is made of a material containing 95% or more of iron. A saggingamount change curve along a curve C1 on the surface of the shadow mask (7), which a

plane passing through a center P0 of a useful area of the shadow mask (7) and parallel toa tube axis and a major axis crosses, satisfies a particular Condition 1. Assuming that anintersection between the curve C 1 and a useful area end of the shadow mask (7) is amajor axis end PL, a distance from the center P0 to the major axis end PL along a majoraxis is W, and a point on the curve C1 away from the center P0 by 2/3 × W in the major axisdirection is P1, a sagging amount change curve along a curve C2 on the surface of theshadow mask (7), which a plane passing through the point P1 and parallel to the tube axisand the minor axis crosses, satisfies a particular Condition 2. Consequently, a color picturetube can be realized, which has satisfactory visibility, and less degradation in color puritycaused by doming while having a shadow mask made of an inexpensive material withsatisfactory moldability.

申请人:Matsushita Toshiba Picture Display Co., Ltd.

地址:1-1, Saiwai-cho Takatsuki-shi, Osaka 569-1193 JP


代理机构:Tothill, John Paul

