

——416—— 肝脏影像学进展 ADVANCE OF THE LIVER IMAGlNG 肝脏上皮样血管内皮瘤:影像表现和病理基础 吕 鹏 林 江 周 易 曾蒙苏 【摘要】目的:分析肝脏上皮样血管内皮瘤(EHE)的cT和MRI表现,并与病理结果对照。方法:经病理证实的肝 脏EHEl0例,lO例均行多排螺旋cT平扫和动态增强扫描;其中5例行MR检查,包括平扫和动态增强成像; 其中1例行选择性肝动脉造影。将影像学结果与病理结果作对照分析。结果:共检出病灶8O个,最大直径3.0~ 44.6mm,平均(17.8 4-7.0)i33irl,病灶分布于肝脏各段,其中31个病灶紧邻肝包膜下生长。5例患者MR检出 4O+病灶,T WI均示低信号,TzWI示中高信号。5例均可见包膜回缩征,增强后10个病灶呈晕征。CT平扫10 例患者共80个低密度灶,其中26个出现融合。2例患者病灶内见钙化,8例见包膜回缩征,增强扫描38个病灶 呈晕征,且门脉期显示更清晰。1例选择性血管造影显示肝实质边缘斑片状染色伴周围细小血管。组织学上示病 变纤维组织及血管样结构增生,其间见散在的形态不规则的上皮样细胞,其内见印戒样结构。免疫组织化学染色 示l0例CD34全部阳性,5例CD31阳性,4例FvIIIRAg阳性。结论:肝脏EHE可表现为单发结节和弥漫结 节,多位于肝包膜下生长,结节可融合,可具有晕征及包膜回缩征,MRI对晕征的显示较CT好。 【关键词】肝脏,上皮样血管内皮瘤;体层摄影术,x线计算机;磁共振成像 中图分类号:R445.2,445.3文献标志码:A文章编号:1006—5741(2011)一05—0416—04 Hepatic Epithelioid Hemangioendothelioma:Imaging and Pathologic Findings LUPeng,LIN Jiang,ZHOU Yi,ZENG Meng—su 【Abstract】Purpose:To analyze the CT and MRI features of hepatic epithelioid hemangioendothelioma (EHE)with the correlative study of pathology.Methods:Ten cases of hepatic EHE confirmed by pathol— ogy underwent plain and dynamic contrast—enhanced multi—detector row CT examination.Five of them underwent additional MRI including plain TI—weighted imaging(T1WI),T2一weighted imaging(T2WI) nad dynamic contrast—enhanced scanning.One of them underwent selective hepatic arteriography.The imaging findings were reviewed retrospectiVely in comparison with pathological results.Results:A total of 80 lesions.ranging from 3.0 mm to 44.6 mm in maximum diameter,and with an average of 17.8±7.0 mm,were found in various segments of livers.Thirty—one of the 80 lesions grew adjacent to the hepatic capsule.In 5 cases underwent MRI,40 lesions were found with low signal intensity on Tl WI,interme— diate to high signal intensity on T2 WI.The”capsular retraction”sign was found in all 5 cases.Ten le— sions showed”halo”sign on post—contrast MRI.Eighty hypodense nodules in 10 cases were shown on unenhanced plain CT,and 26 of them were confluent.Calcification was found in 2 patients.”Capsular retraction”sign was found in 8 cases.Thirty—eight lesions demonstrated’ halo”sign on post—contrast CT,and this sign was more clearly demonstrated on the portal venous phase.In one case,selective hep— atic arteriography showed patchy stain in the peripheral area of liver parenchyma with small vessels around them.In all cases.histology results revealed proliferation of abnormal fibrous tissue and vessel— like structure which were scattered with irregular epithelioid cells and signet ring—like structure.By immunohistochemical staining.all cases were positive for CD34.5 cases were positive for CD31 and 4 cases were positive for factor VIII—related antigen.Conclusion:Hepatic EHE may manifest as solitary 中国医学计算机成像杂志,201l,17:416—419 Chin Comput Med Imag,2011,17:416 419 作者单位:复旦大学附属中山医院放射诊断科 Department of Diagnostic Radiology Shanghai Zhongshan Hospital of 通信地址:上海市枫林路180号,上海200032 Fudan University 通信作者:林江(电子邮箱:lin.jiang@zs—hospital sh.on) Address:180 Fenglin Rd,Shanghai 200032,P R C Add ress Corresponding to LIN Jiang(E—mail lin jiang@zs—hospi— tal sh crI) ±里墨兰 蔓塑 堡墨查 ! 圭篁 :堂兰 塑 Chin Comput Med Imag.2011,17(5) ——419— 似印戒细胞;肿瘤含有黏液透明样纤维性问质;少数瘤 此高密度区外尚可见更低信号或密度区,代表了组织 学上病灶与正常肝组织间的无血供带b ]。病灶内发生 纤维增生反应时,牵拉使邻近的肝包膜出现凹陷性改 变,出现影像学上的包膜回缩征 。 肝脏EHE常误诊为肝转移性肿瘤、胆管细胞癌、 体内出现进行性纤维化或钙化;肿瘤内皮细胞增殖可 以侵犯、闭塞肝窦和门脉以及肝静脉分支,造成自身缺 血变性和坏死。巨检表现为单发结节型和弥漫结节 型。结节多位于肝周边区域内,可相互融合,出现多发 性结节或融合提示病程处于晚期。结节切面呈灰白 色,质地较硬,呈浸润性生长。周围肝实质质地多正常 或代偿性肥大增生。免疫组化特点为瘤细胞对内皮标 记物(FVIIIRAg、CD31及CD34)中至少有一种表达 阳性,而对上皮标记物如CEA为阴性。由于该病预后 较好,所以影像诊断如能将它与其他恶性肿瘤鉴别开 来,将对临床治疗产生较大影响。 由于文献报道多为个案,而本组搜集10例肝 EHE,发现其影像表现具有一定特征性,对临床诊断 应该有帮助。具体表现是:单发或多发结节,多发结节 可有融合,多位于肝脏表面近包膜下。本组8例为多发 结节灶,其中26个病灶融合,占病灶总数的32.5%。 此外,31个病灶紧邻肝包膜下生长,占病灶总数的 38.8%。MRI T。WI病灶呈低信号,T WI呈不均匀高 信号,增强后病灶周边环形强化,且门脉期强化更明 显,病灶可呈晕征。cT平扫呈实性低密度,或中央密 度更低,动态增强后动脉期可无强化或仅轻度边缘强 化,部分病灶显示晕征。病灶邻近包膜可出现包膜回 缩征。文献报道 , ,EHE尚可见病灶钙化,本组有 2例。选择性肝动脉造影病灶显示为中等血供性肿瘤 染色,实质期肿瘤不均性染色。肝脏EHE血管造影表 现与一般肝脏恶性肿瘤相仿,尚无特征性征象报道。 另外,对比EHE的M RI和cT表现后,我们发现 MRI显示晕征更典型,可能同MRI的高软组织对比 和更好的增强效果有关。 与病理学上巨检分型相符的是,本组病例的影像 学表现也可分成弥漫结节型和单发结节型两种。其影 像学表现应由病理基础决定。病理观察,肝脏EHE早 期病灶多为单发结节型,到后期可表现为肝脏包膜下 区域多发结节灶,并可出现融合。组织学上,肿瘤内细 胞与基质成分多变。病灶边缘为肿瘤细胞活跃增生 部,可浸润闭塞肝窦和血管末梢,而中央区为硬化区, 血管较少。在影像学上呈晕征表现的结节,病灶中央 的低密度/信号区代表了缺血后的凝固性坏死,钙化和 散在小出血灶;边缘的高密度/信号区代表了肿瘤活跃 生长部位以及疏松结缔组织中的水肿带b 。有时,在 不典型肝脏海绵状血管瘤和肝癌等,需与之鉴别。虽 然文献b, , , 认为单纯根据影像学鉴别困难,最终明 确诊断依赖病理,但笔者在本组病例的分析基础上认 为,如出现肝脏包膜下多发结节分布,融合生长,晕征 和包膜回缩征,则具有一定特征,常提示为肝EHE的 诊断。当然结合病史、临床症状、体征或实验室检查结 果等,均有助于鉴别诊断。 总之,肝脏EHE的CT和M RI影像学有一定特 征表现,平时工作中放射科和临床医师应熟悉这些 CT或MR表现,考虑到此病的可能性。 参考文献 1.Weiss SW,Enzinger FM.Epithelioid hemangioendothelioma:a vascular tumor often mistaken for carcinoma.Cancer,1982,50: 970—981 2.Ishak KG,Sesterhenn IA,Goodman ZD,et a1.Epithelioid he- mangioendothelioma of the liver:a clinicopathologic and follow— up study of 32 cases.Hum Pathol,1984,15:839—852 3.Lyburn ID,Torreggiani WC,Harris AC,et a1.Hepatic epithe。 lioid hemangioendothelioma:sonographic,CT,and MR imaging appearances.AJR,2003,180:1359—1364 4.Makhlouf HR,Ishak KG,Goodman ZD.Epithelioid hemangioen- dothelioma of the liver:a clinicopathologic study of 137 cases. 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