
Tool which automatically produces an abstract spec


专利名称:Tool which automatically produces an

abstract specification of a physical systemand a process for producing a physicalsystem using such a tool

发明人:Jean-Bruce Guignet申请号:US08/515572申请日:19950816公开号:US05734572A公开日:19980331

摘要:A tool for verifying a process for producing a physical system by automaticallydeducing the functional description of the system produced. From the concretedescription GND which contains the elements of a physical system and the connectionsbetween these elements, the tool automatically deduces the functional description VHDof this system with the aid of an inference engine MOTINF and a filter FILTER. Theinference engine selects rules from a library GRL and programmed functions for loadinginto the filter. Once loaded, the filter regroups the elements of the description GND,thus producing a structural abstraction of the description GND, and simultaneouslyproduces a functional description of each regrouping in formal language. Theaccumulation of the functional descriptions thus obtained provides the functionaldescription VHD of the system.

申请人:BULL S.A.

代理机构:Kerkam, Stowell, Kondracki & Clarke, P

代理人:Edward J. Kondracki

