Rongchang – the Tourist and Leisure Site located in Western Chongqing
and Eastern Sichuan
① 荣昌位于重庆市西部,地处渝西川东结合部,距重庆市区88.5公里,距成都市区246公里,成渝高速公路、成渝铁路穿境而过。
Located in the west of Chongqing province and at the junction of East Sichuan and West Sichuan, Rongchang, is 88.5 km away from the downtown of Chongqing and 246 km away from the downtown of Chengdu, where Chengdu-Chongqing Expressway and Chengdu-Chongqing Railway crossed.
② 荣昌历史悠久,自唐肃宗乾元2年(公元759年)设县至今,已有1300多年。
Rongchang has a long history that is more than 1,300 years since the establishment of the county in Tang Dynasty in A.D. 759
3. 荣昌地理环境优越,自然风光秀丽。
It owns the superior geographical environment and the beautiful nature scenery.
4. 古人盛赞“山环绕而蜿蜒,地宽广而爽垲”,“群峰秀拔,二水纡回”,雅称“海棠
So it is rich in tourism resources. Moreover, Rongchang county is a state-level civilized county and provincial-level health county for itis filled with the birds' twitter and fragrance of flowers, making it look beautiful.
⑥濑溪河、池水河 如练环绕,岸堤垂柳依依(省略不译);
Except the surrounding rivers, the weeping willow, numerous bridges, ancient temples, ancient towers, and ancient churches, there are various types of leisure plazas and modern high-rise buildings waiting for you to visit. Furthermore, various gourmet food are beckoning to you, such as mutton soup, stewed goose, yellow jelly powder, covered noodles, and roast suckling pig. Definitely, it is a rare tourist and leisure destination.
导览图 Navigation map
岐山森林公园中心景区导览图 The center-attraction navigation map of Qishan Forest Park
您现在的位置 You are here.
景区游步道 Scenic trails
游客服务中心 Tourist Service Center
景区公路Scenic highway
景区入口 Scenic entrance
游客须知Tourist Information
一、进入景区注意防火,禁烟区内禁止吸烟。Please observe fire prevention and smoking is prohibited in the no smoking area after entering the scenic area.
二、禁止乱丢垃圾乱吐痰。Do not litter and spit without a trash bin.
三、禁止攀折花木,践踏草坪。Do not climb trees and trample the lawn.
四、禁止捕捉野生动物。 Do not catch the wild animals.
五、爱护游览设施,不准乱刻、乱划、乱写、乱涂。Please care for the tour facilities. No scribbling, no drawing, no writing, no painting.
六、注意安全,不准跨越防护栏杆,不准攀爬树木。 Pay attention to your safety. Do not cross the protective railings or climb trees.
Do not swim in the scenic area and splash around. Children must be accompanied by the adults.
Please purchase tickets for entering the scenic area. One person for one ticket.