
unit 2 教案1

Go for it

Unit 2 Is this your pencil?


与其他每个单元一样,本单元共六页(6 pages),其中包括Section A,Section B和Self check。 Section A (Pages1,2&3) 提供了本单元教学的基本词汇和语言结构,为本单元的目标句型提供示例和指导性练习,并通过简单的语言活动进行操练和巩固;Page1,2,有听、说、读和Grammar focus, Page3是语言运用。

Section B (Pages4&5) 的教学是在已有的基础上开展的,许多知识点都是以旧带新,但学习任务的难度在逐渐递升,口头训练也过度到笔头训练,通过这部分的学习,使学生能够对已学过的目标句型运用自如。

Self check是课后自我检测和评价,包括对本单元所学词汇的检测,词汇扩展训练,以及语言运用能力的检测和评价。通过这部分内容的训练,使学生对本单元的语言目标的掌握程度有较为明确的认识。


本单元的语言功能是辨别物品的所有者 “Is this your/her/his…?”, 中心话题是Things in the classroom (P.1,BooKI(上册),Go for it), 学习和掌握新词汇:pencil, pen, book, eraser, ruler, pencil case, dictionary, backpack, baseball, watch, key, computer game, notebook, ring .

语言结构有:指示代词this & that, What questions, Yes/No questions and short answers, How do you spell it? 语言目标是掌握句型: Is this your…? Yes, it is./ No, it isn’t. What’s this in English? It’s a… How do you spell it? P-E-N.



A) 词汇: pencil, pen, book, eraser, ruler, pencil case, dictionary, backpack, baseball, watch, key, computer game, notebook, ring .

B)语言结构:指示代词this & that, What questions, Yes/No questions and short answers, How do you spell it?

C)语言功能:询问物品属性What’s this/that…?和辨别物品所有者 Is this your/her/his…?”





1.知识基础: 绝大部分学生掌握的词汇、语句还很少,缺少语言基础,表达的句子也较单一,对任务的完成还会有一定的难度,对刚刚学完的字母、数字和单词也需要进一步地练习、巩固和运用。


3.思维能力: 该年龄段的学生有很强的记忆力和模仿能力,有待培养知识的扩展和运用的能力。


1. 语言知识目标:

A)词汇:pencil, pen, book, eraser, ruler, pencil case, dictionary, backpack, baseball, watch, key,

computer game, notebook, ring .


Is this your…? Yes, it is./ No, it isn’t. What’s this in English? It’s a… How do you spell it? P-E-N.

2. 语言技能目标:通过各种活动,培养学生灵活运用语言知识和创新的能力。 3. 情感目标:

A) 激发学生学习英语的兴趣,发挥学生学习英语的主动性。 B) 通过小组活动、组间竞赛等,培养学生的合作意识和团队精神。

C) 学习英语文明礼貌的询问和回答方式,拾金不昧的做人原则和助人为乐的优良品质。 4.学习策略:

A)认知策略:为完成学习任务而自觉采取一些适合自己的学习方法和手段。 B)交际策略:学会与他人合作交流,并能把语言材料用到真实的生活情景中去。












Period One (Section A 1a,1b. Self check1,2)

Step1. Warming-up

Listen to a song “Is this your pencil-box?”

让学生从听歌的过程中感受新的语言项目: Is this your… ?

Ss listen to it and learn to sing it. Step2. Presentation

Show and learn our school things. Teacher show some things first and ask “What’s this in English?”, and then every student is asked to say a sentence in English one by one ,like “This is my/his/her…” Step3. Practice

Section A--1a After doing it, read the new words and sentences. Step4.Word challenge

Show the things as quickly as possible, have a competition between boys and girls. Get them to name the things they see.


复习句型: What’s this in English? It’s a/an…, 引入新句型:Is this / that your…? Yes, it is./ No,it isn’t. 鼓励学生主动参与,开口说英语, 增强 初学者用英语表达意思的愿望,激发兴趣,提高


学生还是刚刚熟悉字母,朗读单词和句子, 可以帮助学生了解单词的发音,熟悉句型,为下 一步的学习打好基础。

活动有效训练学生的注意力和瞬间记忆力,同时 在真实的语境使所学的语言知识得到强化。

Step5. Listen, number them and read

Section A -- 1b Step6. Practice Do self-check 1. Step7 .Pair work

Practise the conversations in 1b, then make own conversations. Step8. Group task: A game

Group of four, find the owner. Each student put one or two things on the desk, then ask questions one another. Using: Is this your/his/ her…? Homework

Write the new words they learned today without looking at the books, see who will be the best.

激励每个学生不甘落后,学有所获。 小组合作学习单词,增强趣味性。

结对合作学习,尝试用英语交际,体会合作带来 的快乐。

通过学生自我检测,自我评价,进一步巩固单词 。 训练听的能力,培养语感。

Period 2 (Section A 2a,2b,2c, 3, 4a,4b,Grammar focus)

Step1.Warming-up: A word game

Read the letters, and then form the right words, see who is the best. e.g. , K,O,O,B →book,

E,N,P →pen.

To remind Ss of the Vowel Alphabet.

Step2. Greetings and revision Good morning, Hi, Excuse me, Is this your/her/his…?What’s this /that in English? How do you spell it? Step3. Listen and say

1) Section A,2a 2) Section A, 2b


通过游戏形式来检查学生已学知识的掌握情 况 ,在轻松愉快的课堂气氛中,学生的积极性 容易被调动,思维容易被激活。

师生互动,既促进了师生情谊,沟通了情感, 也复习巩固了语言项目。

2a的单句听力,复习巩固,2b的情景听力, 体会语言的交际功能,学生开始接触较长对

Advice: to read the conversations some times, and then make the similar conversations. Step4.Pairwork

Section A, 2c

Step5. Group work Section A, 3 Step6. Grammar Focus

To remind Ss of the use of the Personal Pronoun it. Step7. Game

1) Section A,4a To use : This is my …, here you are. 2) Section A, 4b, group work. Homework:

1) To write down at least 5 words about school things which they think are the most important. 2) To write the sentences they learnt today, like “What’s this/that…?” “Is this/that…?”

Period 3(Section B, 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b, 2c, Self check3)

Step1.Warming-up: Play a game

Listen to the words read by teacher on the flashcards and show left or right with your hands. See who is better at judging left or right. Step2. Look and say

Section B, 1a. Teacher show the pictures one by one, Ss



学生在结对合作和小组合作的学生过程中, 用英语进行交际,使语言知识在完成任务

的过程中得到运用和巩固。教师可鼓励学生 提问、获得帮助,培养主动学习的好习惯。

初学者容易把“Is this/that…”回答成 “Yes, this/that is”等,适当的语法讲解有助 于学生更好地掌握新的语言项目。 在游戏中,学生运用语言知识解决实际问 题,也再次复习巩固了语言项目,活跃了 气氛,把整节课推向高潮。

学生自我小结与评估,同时为发展语言 打好基础。 在游戏中检查学生对已学单词的掌握 情况。此活动带来的愉快感受能让学 生积极地投入到接下去的学习中。 师生互动,活跃课堂气氛,加强学习效 果,学生从中掌握单词。

say them in English. Then match the words in SB. Step3. Do pair work

Section B, 1b.

Do it in pair first. Then ask some demonstration 学生用英语在真实的情景中进行交际, pair to show their dialogues before the whole 使语言在完成任务的过程中得到运用和

class. Step4. Listening

Section B, 2a Section B, 2b Step5. Do pair work again

Section B, 2c

Step6. Practice Do Self check 3. Step7. Group work:

To fill in the school things that you often lost, see who has the same ones as yours. Name 1 2 3 S1 watch football computer game S2 S3 S4 Homework:

1.Introduce the things in your pencil case and in your backpack / schoolbag. Write down the words of the things in the exercise books:



通过此活动,发展学生的听、写技能, 使学生能对已学过的知识运用自如,从而调动积







学习的快乐。 学会自我小结,自我评估。

In my school bag:… In my pencil case:…

2. Try to write a Lost & Found notice.

Period 4.( Section B,3a,3b,3c,4)


1)According to the picture which is yet unfinished, 丰富学生的想象力,有效激活学生的探究 guess what it is in English. See who is quicker in guessing them right. 2)Number chant:

Three two one o, Let’s go! Let’s go. One two three four, Please go and close the door. Five six seven eight, Hurry up! Don’t be late. Nine ten nine ten, Get a ruler and a pen. Step2. Group work

Section B, 4

Get Ss to draw a picture , the other students guess what it is. Using: What is it in English? Is it a/an…? Step3. Presentation

To learn “Found Notice” and “Lost Notice”. Make two conversations like: 1) “Excuse me, Mr. Liu, that is my book..My name is…” “Here you are.” “Thanks.”… 2) Oh, where’s my watch? Do you see my watch?... Step4. Practice

1) Do Section B, 3a.

Here are four notices in this part. T: For Notice1 and Notice2, if necessary,


欲望,很快把学生卷入到单词记忆的记忆 中,也检查了学生的知识掌握情况。 在这一步中,培养学生对数字的反应能力。也较好地培养学生的语感。


通过教师呈现的情景对话,让学生领会其 含义,为进一步学习作好铺垫。 培养学生自主学习能力和探究精神。在完 成此任务的过程中,体现了“做中学”的 原则,而游戏的形式更增强了趣味性,激

help Ss read and understand the messages after 发了学生的求知欲望。 they learn themselves first.

For Notice3 and Notice4, give Ss some questions about name and phone number to help them understand better. 2) Group work: Do Section B, 3b. A game: In each group of four , everyone has a hogged piece on which there is the incomplete message, then put them together to make a whole message. Make a “Lost message” like this. Step5. Group task:

Act about “Lost and Found” Reference language: I found/ lost a… Who lost/found it? Is this your…? What color is it? What’s in it?... Ask four demonstration groups to act out their own dialogues, then Ss are required to write a message about one of the dialogues. Homework:

Section B,3c To finish writing your own message according to what you learnt today.

情景编演剧 “Lost and Found”,该任务需要 学生综合运用本单元语言知识,需要小组 做出尽快反应,能提高学生的合作意识, 反应能力和发散思维,培养学生拾金不 昧,助人为乐的优良品质。 发展语言技能,学以致用。


课内未完成的内容在课后完成。这个任务 也是将课内学到的内容,在课外巩固发展, 让所有学生学有所得。

