专利名称:Device for ventilating a fuel tank发明人:Harald Hagen申请号:US13328273申请日:20111216公开号:US09243593B2公开日:20160126
摘要:A device for ventilating a fuel tank of an internal combustion engine in particularof a fuel tank of an internal combustion engine of a motor vehicle includes an activatedcarbon filter and at least one valve which is controllable by a control unit. To preventleakage of hydrocarbons into the environment without enlargement of the activated
carbon filter the control unit controls the valve in dependence on a load factor of theactivated carbon filter and/or in dependence on an operating cycle duration of theinternal combustion engine.
申请人:Harald Hagen
地址:Creussen DE
代理机构:Henry M. Feiereisen LLC