MS Report from Instrument: HY-LCMS-02 File D:\\CHEM32\\1\\DATA\\BIZ\\BIZ2017-123-WJ1.D Tgt Mass (EZX): 246.10 Injection Date : 22 Jan 17 4:06 pm +0800 Seq. Line : 0 Sample Name : BIZ2017-123-WJ1 Location : P1-F-07 Acq. Operator : GZZ_718 Inj : 1 Spec. Reported : MS Integration Inj Volume : 1 ul Acq. Method : D:\\Chem32\\1\\METHODS\\1-POS-3MIN.M Analysis Method : D:\\CHEM32\\1\\METHODS\\1-POS-3MIN-PROSRSS.M Catalog No : HY-15753A Batch#23424 Easy-Access Method: '1-POS-3MIN' 246.10 Method Info : Mobile Phase: A: water(0.01%TFA) B:ACN(0.01%TFA) Gradient: 5% to 95%B within 1.3 min Flow Rate :1.8ml/min Column :SunFire C18, 4.6*50mm,3.5um A-RP-186 Oven Temperature : 45C*DAD1 B, Sig=214,4 Ref=off mAU6004000.8611.2471.2711.48120000.5*DAD1 C, Sig=254,4 Ref=off mAU6004001.27220000.51 MSD1 TIC, MS File ES-API, Pos, Scan, Frag: 702000001500001000005000001.3271.6291.5771.33111.3311.522.5min*1.522.5min*0.511.5 Ion 247.1, MSD1 247.1,Target Mass 246.1 +H Positive, EIC=246.8:247.8 1500001000005000000.5 Integration Results for DAD1 B, Sig=214,4 Ref=off11.51.32722.5min22.5min RetTim Width Area Height Area% MS(+)|-------|--------|--------------|--------------|--------|------| 0.86 0.03 9.53 0.35 1.03 ND 1.25 0.02 2.52 2.28 0.27 114 1.27 0.02 2.74 2.55 0.30 275 1.33 0.02 903.92 806.22 98.06 247 1.48 0.02 1.27 0.94 0.14 247 1.58 0.02 1.83 1.27 0.20 247 Integration Results for DAD1 C, Sig=254,4 Ref=off RetTim Width Area Height Area% MS(+)|-------|--------|--------------|--------------|--------|------| 1.27 0.02 3.86 3.86 0.37 247 1.33 0.02 1038.93 924.68 99.50 247 1.63 0.02 1.39 1.05 0.13 247HY-LCMS-02 1/23/2017 9:56:49 AM GZZ_718Page 1 of 2
MS Report from Instrument: HY-LCMS-02
Ret. Time: 1.33 <<<< POSITIVE SPECTRA >>>> ES-API Positive70000600005000040000 248.33000020000100000200300400500600700800900m/z 247.2HY-LCMS-02 1/23/2017 9:56:49 AM GZZ_718Page 2 of 2