
Portable terminal and display control method there

2022-06-07 来源:个人技术集锦

专利名称:Portable terminal and display control

method thereof

发明人:Hiroyuki Tomimori申请号:US13818875申请日:20110331公开号:US08896525B2公开日:20141125


摘要:A portable terminal includes two display element provided respectively on twohousings; and detection element provided on one of the two housings and that detectsthe posture of the housing that is provided with the detection element. The portable

terminal places first and second reference point on respective display screens of the twodisplay element such that the spatial distance of the first and second reference point in afree space is constant, and calculates the open angle between the two housings based onthe length of a perpendicular line drawn from the first reference point to the open axis,the length of a perpendicular line drawn from the second reference point to the openaxis, and the length of the spatial distance; and corrects the detected detection valuebased on the calculated open angle and notifies an application executed on otherhousing of the corrected value.

申请人:Hiroyuki Tomimori

地址:Tokyo JP


代理机构:Young & Thompson

