【英文摘要】Folklore money refers to a special kind of currency with special lucky meaning and symbols.People use it to overcome the internal fear towards the ghosts and spirits and long for good luck. Itinvolves politics, economy, folk culture and religion of ancient China and could be viewed as animportant cultural medium since Han Dynasty. It does not function as money and just looks likemoney. In essence, it is the derivative of cultural of the society and offers a perfect explanation onmonetary art, religion art and formative art. It is related closely to witchcraft in ancient religions.The huge quantity and abundant variety of folklore money indicates the spiritual and material lifeof the time it was made. During the Ming and Qing Dynasty, folklore money developed to itsprime, due to the fact that it was the end of feudalist society of China, when folk culture has beenfully developed. This helped create a folklore monetary culture second to none of that during
theother periods of time.This essay offers an introduction to historic development of money and folklore money,together with an insight into visual and social elements functioning in folklore money. It discussesvisual elements in the respect of content, religion and craftsmanship by a comprehensive analysisof the meaning and shape of folklore money. Also it probes into the modern application of suchelements as well as how to inherit such a culture. More important it explores that ways of applyingthe meaning of folklore money to modern design. In all, it starts from exploration of visualelements of folklore money and develops to the degree of learning from the past and learning forapplication.The study of folklore money regarding its visual elements and cultural connotation does notonly help with learning and inheriting traditional Chinese culture, but also becomes a good way ofanalyzing the humanistic characteristics and folk customs. It has the far-reaching meaning for boththe exploration of art value of folklore money in Ming and Qing Dynasty and the inheritance oftraditional culture.
【关键词】明清民俗钱币 视觉元素 文化内涵 现代应用 【英文关键词】Folklore Money in Ming & Qing Dynasty
Visual Elements Cultural Connotation Modern Application
第1章 绪论研究目的及意义、国内外研究现状
1.1.1 国内研究现状
1.2.1 文
1.1 国内外研究现状7-81.1.2 国外研究现状8
1.2 研究的意义8-9
1.2.2 艺术创新意义91.3 研究的应用价值
2.1 古钱币
第2章 民俗钱币的起源及其发展概述10-22
2.1.1 古钱币的起源10
2.1.2 古钱币的 先秦的货币10- 秦汉的货币2.1.2.4 元明清的货2.2.1 民俗钱的起 三国至宋代的货币12-132.2 民俗钱币的起源与发展15-222.2.2 民俗钱的发展16- 六朝时期17- 金元时期19 两汉时期 唐宋时期
第3 明清时期19-22
章 明清民俗钱币视觉元素及形态其文化内涵22-46俗钱币视觉元素的形态22-3922-31
3.1 明清民
3.1.1 按内容形式分类3.1.1.2 图案类26 文字类22-26
3.1.2 按宗教用途分类31-353.1.2.1 祈福择吉 厌胜避祸33-343.1.2.3 其他类民俗钱 实体钱
3.1.3 按制作工艺分类35-39
35-37涵39-43 镂空钱37-393.2 明清民俗钱币视觉元素的内
3.2.2 传统吉祥观念的3.3 明清民俗钱币的3.3.2 满足人们精
3.2.1 哲学观念的物化39-403.2.3 宗教观念的体现41-43
3.3.1 传承民族文化43-44
3.3.3 暗示和慰藉功能44-46第4章 明清民俗钱币
4.1 外在“形”的应用46-49
第5章 结论54-56参考文献56-57致谢58