
Method and system for calculating and displaying t


专利名称:Method and system for calculating and

displaying travel range information

发明人:Edward D. Tate, Jr.申请号:US12794171申请日:20100604公开号:US08527121B2公开日:20130903


摘要:A display system for a vehicle includes a display screen and host machineoperable for calculating a maximum theoretical range for a predetermined criterion,formulating a value function for each point in the maximum theoretical range, and

calculating a solution to each of the value functions. The method also includes forming apolygon or a closed curve from the mathematical hull of all points in the maximumtheoretical range having a value function solution less than corresponding limit, anddisplaying a perimeter of the closed curve via the display screen to indicate the effectiverange of the vehicle for the criterion. A vehicle includes an energy storage system, amotor/generator unit for propelling the vehicle in an electric-only (EV) mode, the displayscreen, and host machine, wherein the criterion is the EV mode. A method of operatingthe display system is also disclosed herein.

申请人:Edward D. Tate, Jr.

地址:Grand Blanc MI US


代理人:Christopher W. Quinn

