【翻译笔记】《围城》英译选句 - 无精打采 原文:
鸿渐一路上赔小心,鲍小姐只无精打采。送她回舱后,鸿渐也睡了两个钟点。一起身就去鲍小姐舱外弹壁唤她名字,问她好了没有,想不到门帘开处,苏小姐出来,说鲍小姐病了,吐过两次,刚睡着呢。鸿渐又羞又窘,敷衍一句,急忙跳走。(钱钟书 - 围城 )
翻译关键词:无精打采,又羞又窘 ,敷衍
All the way back he was very apologetic, but she remained in low spirits. After seeing her to her cabin, he slept for two hours himself. As soon as he got up he went to her cabin, tapped on the partition, and called her name, asking if she felt any better. To his surprise, the curtain opened and Miss Six came out saying Miss Pao was sick, had thrown up twice, and had just fallen asleep. He was at once chagrined and embarrassed; he said something lamely and beat a hasty retreat.(美 Jeanne Kelly, Nathan K.Mao <译> –Fortress Besieged)
* 文中译为:in low spirits;指情绪低落、意气消沉,形容精神
当然还有很多译法:a lack of energy; listlessness; languor; deadness; laziness 他的反义词精神抖擞:in high spirits; in fine fig
Jone has been in low spirits since Alice said good-bye to her. 自从约翰提出分手后,爱丽丝一直无精打采,情绪低落。 又羞又窘
* 文中译为:chagrined and embarrassed chagrin 懊恼;委屈;气愤 近义词:complaint; grevance embarrass 是局促不安;使困窘;阻碍 近义词:slow; abash
You chagrin and embarrass me every time you burp out loud. 每次你打嗝那么大声,让我又羞又窘。 敷衍
* 文中译为:said something lamely; 指一个人做事待人不真诚,表面上应付搪塞。 让我们来多认识一些翻译:walk through; play at; slight over; to mess with; to drag along
敷衍了事 palter; make short shrift of palter scuffle 敷衍搪塞 give someone the runaround
In our lives, when problems come, what are we doing? To mess with them and cheat ourselves, or solve them and overcome ourselves.