



马上快放寒假了,我有一篇论文投英国矿石、冶金、材料协会的期刊Materials Science and Technology,2007年12月4日投稿的,至今快7个星期。前天,我以“寒假在即”为理由,给主编发邮件催稿,邮件如下: Dear Editor

Please excuse me for taking some of your time.

I submitted a manuscript entitled “。 。。.” (Ref. No. 。。) to Materials Science and Technology about 7 weeks ago. I do not know whether it is a proper time to contact you regarding the review process。 However, I will start a one—month winter holiday from the end of this month。 During this period, I will have few opportunities to access Internet。 I wonder whether I can receive the reviewer’s comments before my holiday. If so, I can do some further work regarding the paper during the holiday. Thank you very much for your time and consideration。 Wish you a happy new year! Sincerely yours,。。。。。

当天主编回信给我: Dear Dr .。,

Your paper was sent to a reviewer on 4th December 2007。 I will send him a reminder, and as soon as we receive his report we will be in touch with you. I hope there will not be much further delay before you hear from us. Kind regards John W. Martin

今天晚上,我收到了主编的来信,是关于审稿意见的: Dear Dr. 。.

We have now received reviewers’ comments on the above submission。 I am pleased to tell you that the work is found to be of interest and is likely to be suitable for publication in Materials Science and Technology, subject to your consideration of some points which have been raised。 These are detailed in the comments below。

We look forward to receiving a revised version of your paper, prepared in the light of these comments, by 23/03/2008.

When resubmitting, please indicate briefly your response to the reviewers’ comments。 These should appear in a document uploaded separately with the revised manuscript。 Thank you for submitting your work to this journal。 With kind regards

The EditorMaterials Science and Technology


