专利名称:Method and device for marking and filtering
data elements in a database
发明人:Grobler, Dirk,Janssen, Ocke,Schönheit, Frank申请号:EP01123606.4申请日:20011001公开号:EP1298539A1公开日:20030402
摘要:The invention relates to the a method and a computer program for enabling auser to mark tables in a table structure of a database. The method utilizes marking in allhierarchic levels of a hierarchic table structure of a frontend of a database. The markings
can be used to simplify the access of tables in databases with a great number of tablesstored. The markings can be applied to all hierarchic levels of the table directorystructure, to simplify the access in the upper hierarchic levels of the table directorystructure. Additionally the marking in the lowest hierarchic level can be restricted toensure that new and unmarked tables can perceived by the user.
地址:901 San Antonio Road Palo Alto, California 94303 US
代理机构:Becker Kurig Straus