




a/an abandon ability able aboard about above abroad absent absolute absorb

abstract abundant accent accept access accident accommodation accompany accomplish according account accumulate accurate accuse accustomed ache achieve achievement acknowledge acquire across act action active activity actor actress actual actually adapt add addition additional address adequate adjective adjust admire admission admit adopt adult advance advanced advantage adventure adverb advertisement advice advisable advise aeroplane affair affect affection afford Africa African after afternoon afterward again against age agency agent aggressive ago agony agreement agriculture ahead aid aim air aircraft airline airplane airport alarm alcohol alike alive all allow allowance almost alone along alphabet already also alter alternative although altogether always a.m. amaze ambassador ambition ambitious amend America American among amount amuse analysis ancestor ancient and anger angry animal anniversary announce annoy annual another answer anticipate anxiety anxious any anybody anyone anything anyway anywhere apart apartment apologize apology apparent appeal appear appearance appendix appetite appetizing applause apple appliance applicant application apply appoint

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appointment appreciate approach appropriate approval approve April arbitration area argue argument arise arm army around arouse arrange arrest arrival arrive arrow art article artificial artist as ash Asia Asian aside ask asleep aspect assess assign assignment assist assistant associate association assume assure astonish at athlete Atlantic atmosphere attach attack attempt attend attendant attention attitude attract attractive audience August aunt Australia Australian author authority authorize auto automatic automobile autumn available avenue average avoid await awake award aware away awful awkward B

B.C. baby bachelor back background backward bad badly bag baggage balance

ball banana bank banquet bar bare bargain barrier base basic basin basis basket basketball bath bathe bathroom battery battle bay be beach bear beast beat beautiful beauty because become bed bedroom bee beef beer before beg begin behalf behave behavior behind being belief believe bell belong below belt bench bend beneath benefit berth beside besides best bet better between beyond Bible bicycle bid big bill billion bind biology bird birth birthday bit bite bitter black blackboard blade blame blank blend blind block blood blouse blow blue board boat body boil bold bomb bond bone bonus book bookshop border bore boring born borrow boss both bother bottle bottom bound boundary bowl box boy brain branch brand brave bread break breakfast breast breath breathe brick bridge brief bright brilliant brim bring Britain British broad broadcast brochure broker broken broom brother brown brush budget build building bulletin

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burden bureau burn burst bury bus business busy but butter button buy by bye-bye C

cable cafe cage cake calculate calendar call calm camera camp campaign

campus can Canada Canadian canal cancel cancer candidate cap capable capacity capital captain capture car carbon card care career careful careless cargo carpet carry cart cartoon case cash cashier cassette cast casual cat catalog catch cattle cause cave

CD(Compact Disc) cease ceiling celebrate cell cent center/center centigrade

centimeter/centimeter central century ceremony certain certainly certificate chain chair chairman challenge champagne champion chance change channel chapter character characteristic charge chart chase chat cheap cheat check cheer cheerful cheese chemical chemist chemistry cheque chess chest chicken chief child childhood China Chinese chocolate choice choose Christian Christmas church cigarette cinema circle circumstance circuit citizen city civilization claim clarify class classic classical classify classmate classroom clause clean clear clerk clever client climate

climb clock clockwise close cloth clothe clothes cloud cloudy club coach coal

coarse coast coat cock code coffee coin coke cold collar colleague collect collection collective college color column comb combination combine come comfort comfortable command comment commerce commercial commission commit committee commodity common communicate communication

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community commute compact companion company comparable compare compatible compensate compete competent competition competitive complain complaint complete complex complicated component compose composition compound comprehension comprise compromise computer concentrate concept concern concerning concert conclude conclusion F

face facility fact factor factory faculty fade fail failure faint fair fairly faith

faithful faithfully fall false fame familiar family famous fan fancy far fare farewell farm farmer farther fashion fast fasten fat fatal fate father fatigue fault faulty favor/favour favorable/favourable favorite/favourite fax/facsimile fear fearful feasible feather feature February fee feed feedback feel feeling fellow fellowman female fence festival fetch fever few

fiber field fierce fifteen fifth fifty fight figure file fill film filter final finally

finance financial find finding fine finger finish fire firm first fish fit five fix flag flash flat flavour/flavor flexible flight flood floor flow flower fluent fluently fluid fly focus fog fold folk follow following fond food fool foolish foot football for forbid force forecast foreign foreigner forest forever forget forgive fork form formless formal format former formula forth fortnight fortnightly fortunate fortunately fortune forty forward found founder foundation fundamental fountain four fourteen fourth fox frame framework France frankly frankness free freedom freeze French Frenchman frequency frequent frequently fresh freshman Friday fridge friend friendly friendship

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frighten frightened from front fruit fruitful frustrate frustration fry fuel fulfill full full-time full-hearted fun function functional fund fundamental funeral funny fur furniture further furthermore future G

gain game gap garage garden gas gate gather guy gene general generally

generate generation generous genius gentle gentleman genuine geography geometry German Germany gesture get ghost gift girl give glad glance glass global globe glorious glory glove glow go goal goat God gold golden good goodbye goods goose govern

government graceful grade gradual gradually graduate grain gram/gramme

grand grandfather grandmother grant graph graphic grasp grass grateful gratitude grave great greedy Greek green greenhouse greet greeting grey/gray grocer gross ground group grow growth guarantee guard guess guidance guide guilty gun gym/gymnasium H

habit hair half hall halt hammer hand handkerchief handle handsome

handwriting hang happen happy harbour/harbor hard hardly hardship hardware harm harmful harvest haste hat hate hatred have he head headache heading headline headmaster headquarters health hear heart heat heaven heavy heel height hello/hullo help helpful hence her here hero heroic hers herself hesitate Hi hide high highlight highly highway hill him himself hint hire his history hit hi-tech hobby hold hole holiday home homework honest honey honor/honour

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honorable/honourable hope hopeful horizon horror horse horsepower hospitable hospital host hostile hot hotel hour house household housewife how however huge human humble humor/humour

humorous/humourous hundred hunger hungry hunt hurry hurt husband


I ice ice-cream idea ideal identical identification identify idle if ignore ill

illegal illness illustrate illustration image imagine imitate imitation immediate immediately immense immigrant immigrate impatient implication imply import importer importance important impose impossible impress impression improve improvement in inch incident incline include inclusive income increase indeed independence independent index India Indian indicate individual induce industrial industry inevitable infect infection infectious inference inferior infinite influence inform information initial initiative injection injure injury ink inn inner innocent input inquiry/enquiry insect insert inside insight insist inspect inspection inspire install installment instance instant instead instinct institute institution instruct instruction instrument insult insurance insure integrate intellectual intelligence intelligent intend intended intense intensely intensify intention interact interaction interest interested interesting interfere interference interior intermediate internal international internet interpret interpretation interrupt interval interview into introduce introduction invade invader invent invest investigate investigation investment

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invisible invitation invite invoice involve involvement iron irrevocable island isolate isolation issue it Italian item itinerary its itself


jacket jam January Japan Japanese jazz jealous jeans jet job join joint joke

journal journalist journey joy judge /judgement juice July jump June junior just justice justify


karaoke keen keep key keyboard kick kid kill kilogramme kilometre/kilometer

kind kindness king kingdom kiss kitchen kite knee knife knock know knowledge


label labour/labor laboratory lack ladder lady lag lake lamp land landlord lane

language large last late later Latin latter laugh laughter launch laundry law lawyer lay layout lazy lead leader leadership leaf league leak lean leap earn learned learner learning least leave lecture left leg legal leisure lend length less lesson lest let letter level liable liberate liberation liberty library licence/license lie life lifetime lift light lightning like likely

likewise limit limited line link lion lip liquid list listen literature litre/liter little live lively living load loaf loan

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local locate location lock log logic logical lonely long look loose lord lorry lose

loss lot loud love lovely low lower loyal luck lucky luckily luggage lunch lung


machine mad madman magazine magic magical magnificent mail mailbag

mailbox main mainland maintain maintenance major majority make male mall man manage management manager mankind manner manual manufacture many map march margin mark marked market marriage marry marvelous/marvellous mask masked mass master match material mathematics math/maths matter mature maximize maximum may maybe me meal mean meaning meaningful means meantime meanwhile measure meat mechanical mechanism medal medical medicine medium mediumterm mediumsized meet meeting member memo/memorandum memorial memory mend mental mentin menu merchant merchantlike mercy mere merely merit merry message metal meter/metre method microphone microscope middle midnight mild mile military milk mill millimetre/millimeter million mind mindful mindless mine minimum minister minor minority minus minute miracle mirror miserable mislead Miss miss missing mission mistake mistakable mistaken misunderstand mix mixed mixture mobile mode model moderate modern modest modification modify moisture moment Monday money monitor monkey month monthly momument mood moon moral more moreover morning mortgage most mother motherly motion motivate motive motor mount

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mouse mouth move movable moment movie much multiple multiply mum municipal murder muscle museum music musician must mutual my myself mysterious mystery


nail nailless naked nakedly name namely narrow nation nationwide national

nationality natural naturally nature navigation navy near nearby nearly neat necessary necessity neck necktie need needle negative neglect negotiate neighbour/neighbor neighbourhood/ neighborhood neither nephew nerve nervous nest net network neutral neutrally never nevertheless new newcomer news newsletter newspaper next nice niece night nine nineteen ninety ninth no noble nobody nod noise noisy noisily noisiness none nonsense noon nor normal normally north northern nose not note notebook nothing notice noun novel November now nowadays nowhere nuclear number numerous nurse nursery nut


Sad safe safety sail sailor sake salary sale salesman salt salutation same sample

sand sandwich satellite satisfactory satisfy Saturday save saving say scale scan scarce scarcely scare scatter scene scenery scenic schedule scheme scholar

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scholarship school science scientific scientist score scream screen screw sea seal search season seat second secondary secret secretary section secure security see seed seek seem seize seldom select selection selective self selfish sell semester seminar senate send senior sense sensible sensitive sentence separate September sequence series serious servant serve service set settle settlement seven seventeen seventy several severe sew sex shade shadow shake shall shallow shame shape share shareholder sharp shave she sheep sheet shelf shell shelter shift shine ship shipment shirt shock shoe shoot shop shore short shortage shortcoming shortly shot should shoulder shout show shower shut shy sick side sight sightseeing sign signal signature significance silence silent silk silly silver similar simple simultaneous since sincere sincerely sing single singular sink sir sister sit site situation six sixteen sixty size skate sketch skill skilled skillful skin skirt sky slave sleep sleeve slice slide slight slope slow small smart smell smile smoke smooth smuggle snack snake snow so soap social society sock soda soft software soil sole solid solution solve some somebody somehow someone something sometime sometimes somewhat somewhere son song soon sophisticated sorrow sorry sort soul sound soup source south southern souvenir space spacecraft spade span Spanish spare speak special specialist specialize specific specification specimen spectator speech speed spell spend sphere spirit splendid spit spoil sponsor spoon sport spot spread spring square stable staff stage stain stair stamp stand standard star stare start starve state statement station statistics statue status stay steady steal

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steam steel steep step stereo stereotype stick stiff still stimulate stipulate stir stock stocking stomach stone stop store storm story stove straight strange stranger strategy straw stream street strength strengthen stress stretch strict strike stroke strong structure struggle student studio study stuff stupid style subject submission submit substance substantial substitute suburb subway succeed success sudden suddenly suffer sufficient sugar suggest suggestion suit suitable sum summarize/summarise summary summer sun Sunday sunlight sunny sunrise sunset sunshine superficial superior supermarket supper supplement supply support suppose sure surface surgery surprise surround surroundings survey survive suspect suspicion suspicious swallow sweat sweater sweep sweet swim swing switch sword symbol sympathy symphony symptom synthetic system systematic


Table tablet tackle tag tail tailor take tale talent talented talk talkative talker tall

tank tape tape measure tape recorder target task taste tasteful tastefully tasteless tasty tax tax-free tax collector taxpayer taxi taxicab tea teach teaching teacher team team mate team spirit tear teardrop tearful technical technically technician technique technology teenager telegram telephone telephone booth telephone directory telescope television/TV telex tell teller temper temperature temple temporary temporarily tempt temptation tempting ten tenth tend tendency tender tender-hearted tenderly tennis tense tensely tenseness tent term terminal

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terrible territory test text than thank thankful thankfully thankless that the theatre/theater theatrical their theirs them themselves then

theory there therefore thermometer these they thick thickly thickness thief thin

typical typist

thinly thinness thing think thinking third thirsty thirteen thirty this thorough thoroughly thoroughness those though thought thoughtful thoughtfully thoughtfulness thousand thread threat threaten threatening three throat through throughout throw thumb thunder thunderstorm Thursday thus ticket tide tidy tie tiger tight till time tin tiny tip tired tissue title to toast tobacco today toe together toilet tolerate tomato tomorrow ton tone tongue tonight too tool tooth top topic torch total touch tough tour tourist towards towel tower town toy trace traceable traceless track trade trademark tradition traffic train training transaction transfer transform transit translate translation transparent transport trap travel tray treasure treat treatment treaty tree tremendous trend trial triangle trick trip troop trouble troubled troublesome trousers truck true truly trust truth try tube Tuesday tuition tune tunnel turn tutor twelfth

twelve twentieth twenty twenty-first twice twin twist two type typewriter U

ugly ultimate umbrella unable uncle under underground underline understand

understanding undertake undertaker undo undoubtedly uneasy uneasily uneasiness unexpected unfair unfortunately uniform union unique unit unite

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united universal universe university unless unlike unnecessary unprecedented until unusual up upon upper upset upstairs upward urge urgent us usage use used useful usual usually utility utilize


vacation vain valid validity valley valuable value vanish variable variety

various vary vegetable vehicle venture verb verify version versus vertical very veteran veto via vice victim victory video view village violence violent violin virtual virtually virtue virus visa visible vision visit visitor visual vital vivid vocabulary voice volt voltage volume vote voyage W

wage wait waiter waitress wake walk walkman wall wander want war warm

warn wash waste watch water wave way we weak wealth weapon wear weather web website Wednesday week weekend weekly weep weigh weight welcome welfare well west western wet what whatever wheat wheel when whenever where wherever whether which whichever whisky whisper white who whole whom whose why wide widespread wife wild will willing win wind window wine wing winter wipe wire wisdom wise wish wit with withdraw withdrawal within without withstand witness wolf woman wonder wonderful wood word work worker workshop world worry worse worship worst worth worthwhile worthy would wound wrap wrist write

writer writing wrong

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yard year yearly yellow yes yesterday yet yield you young your yours yourself

yourselves youth


zero zone zoo

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