
2020-2021学年仁爱版英语九年级上册 完成句子练习题 (无答案)



1. 因为他来晚了,所以我们错过了火车。 ______ _______his being late, we missed the train. 2. 我们必须采取措施阻止青少年吸烟.

We must ______ _______ ______stop teenagers from smoking.

3. 李先生作为一名医生而出名。

Mr. Li ______ _______ ______ a doctor.

4. 这个办法在提高他的英语口语方面很有效。

This method has ______ _______ ______improving his spoken English.

5. 到目前为止,我已经学会了2000多个单词。

______ _______, I ______ _______more than two thousand words.

6. 我们班五分之三的学生是男生。

______ _______ of the students in our class ______ boys.

7. 我希望我们彼此保持联系。

I hope we’ll ______ _______ ______ _______ each other.

8. 我花了几周的时间才习惯这里的环境。

It took me several weeks to _______ ______ _______ the environment here.9. 鲁迅不但是一位作家,而且是一位思想家。

Lu Xun was ______ _______ a writer ______ _______ a thinker.

10. ______ _______ ______(据报道) China has the largest number of mobile phone users in the world.

11. Waste gas and water will ______ _______ ______(有害) living things.

12. The loud noise in the accident caused the old woman _______ ______(听力丧失)。

13. Li Ming did ______ _______ ______(一样差)Lily in the exam.

14. All living things ______ _______ ______ (在地球上) depend on the sun.

15. He wants to know who has ______ _______(拿走) his dictionary.

16. The scientist ______ _______(提到) water pollution in his report last week.

17. ______ _______(几百万) people came to Shanghai Expo in 2010.

18. ______ _______ ______(温室效应)makes the earth get warm.

19. I believe our life will become more and more exciting ______ _______ ______.(一天天)

20. Come on! I have ______ _______(一些重要的事情) to tell you.

21. We _______ ______ _______(缺少) water here, so we must save every drop of water.

22. The floor _______ ______ _______(被覆盖) plastic.

23. People _______ coal _______(用......做)heating and getting power.

24. Bill fell off his bike yesterday. _______ ______ _______(结果),his left leg was broken.

25. The forests are becoming fewer and fewer. Many kinds of birds and animals are _______ ______(灭绝)。

26. When did the Chinese language _______ ______ _______(形成)?

27. When the temperature drops to zero, water will _______ ______(变成)ice.

28. He picked up a book and _______ the dust _______ (吹走,吹掉)。

29. 你要尽力让别人听懂你的话。

You should try your best to ______ _______ ______. 30. 有时我喜欢步行去上学。

______ _______, I like to go to school on foot. 31. 每天写日记是一个很好的习惯。

It is a good habit to ______ _______ ______ every day. 32. 我不敢独自一人去游泳。

I ______ _______ to go swimming alone. 33. 你想要去购物吗?

Do you ______ _______ ______ shopping?

34. 如果你感到紧张,请深呼吸,放松自己。

Please ______ _______ ______ ______ if you feel nervous.35. 吉姆在汉语方面薄弱。

Jim ______ _______ ______ Chinese.



I ______ _______ in spelling in my composition. 37. 请不要在教室里大声谈话。

Please don’t ______ _______ in the classroom.

38. 学生在有困难时可以向老师求助。

The students can ______ _______ their teachers when they have trouble.

39. He says he will finish the job ______ _______(尽管) it is very hard. 40. ______ _______(镇定下来) and tell us what’s going on.

41. She had ______ _______(幸运) in finding a new job quickly.

42. She is studying ______ _______(肢体语言) now.

43. Harbin ______ _______ ______ (作为......而知名)Ice City in China. 44. 我起床晚了,结果错过了早班车。

I got up late. ______ _______ ______ ,I missed the early bus. 45. 下周末我们没有人去爬山。

______ _______ ______ ______ go climbing next weekend. 46. 我们不应该到处扔垃圾。

We shouldn’t throw rubbish ______ _______ ______. 47. 每年人们都会砍到许多树。

People ______ _______ many trees every year.

48. 孩子们被告知不要同陌生人说话。

The kids ______ _______ not to speak to ______. 49. 不要害怕犯错误,因为你也可以从错误中学到很多。

Don’t be afraid of ______ _______, because you also can learn a lot from them. 50. 不要把自己与别人作比较,每个人都有自己的快乐或忧伤。

Don’t ______ yourself ______ others. Everyone has his own happiness or sadness. 51. 我叔叔今晚7点就到上海了。

My uncle ______ _______ ______ Shanghai at 7o’clock this evening. 52. 我的生活方式不同于父母的。

My life style is ______ _______ my parents’. 53. 作为科学家,他为他的国家做出了巨大的贡献。

As a scientist, he ______ _______ ______ ______ ______ his country. 54. 别着急,我们有充足的时间为会议做准备。

Don’t worry. We have ______ ______ time to get ready for the meeting. 55. 一些贫困地区的孩子们仍然缺衣少食,让我们做些事情帮助他们吧。

Some children in the poor areas are still ______ ______ food and clothes. Let’s do something to help them.

56. 多亏希望工程的帮助,许多孩子重返校园,过着快乐的生活。

______ ______ Project Hope, many children go back to school and live a happy life.

57. 喝酒太多对对健康有害。

Drinking too much is ______ ______ our health.

58. 杰克借了一些有关科学的书籍,已经借了三天了。 Jack ______ ______ some novels about science ______ three days. 59. 她把苹果分成了两部分。

The apples ______ ______ by her into two halves. 60. 这个新社区是我们学校的五倍大。

The new community is ______ _______ ______ ______ ______ our school. 61. 自从电脑发明以来已经将近七十年了。

It ______ _______ nearly seventy years since computers were invented. 62. 没有人知道这些行星是否绕着太阳旋转.

Nobody knows whether these planets ______ _______ the sun. 63. 在这个城镇里,三分之二的疾病是由空气污染引起的。 In this town, ______ _______ of the illness are caused by air pollution. 64. I ______ jazz ______(比......更喜欢)rock music.

65. The new restaurant is nothing to ______ _______ ______(值得激动的)。 66. Their children have all ______ _______ (长大) and left home now. 67. Lily wants to ______ _______(表演芭蕾) to celebrate the Spring Festival. 68. Some students will ______ _______ ______(参加)the school sports meeting.
