专利名称:System and method for frequency division
multiple access communications
发明人:Jianglei Ma,Ming Jia,Wen Tong,Peiying
Zhu,Hua Xu,Moussa Abdi,EvelyneLestrat,Sarah Boumendil
摘要:A method and system for wireless frequency division multiple access
communications in the uplink and/or downlink directions. A first time duration fortransmission of a data payload block is established, and the transmission is processedusing a first frequency domain or a time domain. A second time duration for transmissionof at least one pilot block is established, and the transmission is processed using asecond frequency domain or the time domain, the second time duration is not greaterthan the first time duration.
申请人:Jianglei Ma,Ming Jia,Wen Tong,Peiying Zhu,Hua Xu,Moussa Abdi,EvelyneLestrat,Sarah Boumendil
地址:Kanata CA,Ottawa CA,Ottawa CA,Kanata CA,Nepean CA,Paris FR,ParisFR,Boulogne Billancourt FR