
Non-invasive diagnostic agents of cancer and metho


专利名称:Non-invasive diagnostic agents of cancer and

methods of diagnosing cancer, especiallyleukemia and lymphoma

发明人:Jeffrey P Norenberg申请号:US11507846申请日:20060822


摘要:The present invention is directed to novel non-invasive diagnostic tools toimage cancers, especially, leukemia and non-Hodgkin's lymphomas (NHL) with minimaltoxicity in vivo. The present invention represents a clear advance in the art which

presently relies on tissue biopsy for diagnoses of these cancers. The novel imaging probeis capable of detecting precancerous cells, as well as their metastatic spread in tissues.This represents a quantum step forward in the diagnosis and staging of NHL using non-invasively molecular imaging techniques. This novel probe will also be useful to monitorpatients response to chemotherapy treatments and other interventions or therapiesused in the treatment of NHL. Compounds according to the present invention may beused as diagnostic tools for a number of conditions and diseases states as well astherapeutic agents for treating such conditions and disease states.

申请人:Jeffrey P Norenberg

地址:Albuquerque NM US


