专利名称:Through wafer vias and method of making
发明人:Hanyi Ding,Alvin Jose Joseph,Anthony
Kendall Stamper
摘要:A method of forming and structure for through wafer vias and signal
transmission lines formed of through wafer vias. The method of forming through wafer
vias includes forming an array of through wafer vias comprising at least one electricallyconductive through wafer via and at least one electrically non-conductive through wafervia through a semiconductor substrate having a top surface and an opposite bottomsurface, each through wafer via of the array of through wafer vias extending from the topsurface of the substrate to the bottom surface of the substrate.
申请人:Hanyi Ding,Alvin Jose Joseph,Anthony Kendall Stamper
地址:Essex Junction VT US,Williston VT US,Williston VT US
代理机构:Schmeiser, Olsen & Watts
代理人:Richard Kotulak