专利名称:Fuel Cell Assembly and Method for
Operating a Fuel Cell Assembly
发明人:Torsten BRANDT,Armin DATZ,Albert
摘要:A fuel cell assembly with at least one PEM fuel cell for generating electricalenergy from reactant gases includes at least one membrane/electrode having amembrane coated with platinum electrodes and, respectively positioned on each side, aporous gas diffusion layer, or having a membrane and, respectively positioned on eachside, a porous gas diffusion layer coated with a platinum electrode, and also includesbipolar plates that lie against the gas diffusion layers and through which, during
operation, a coolant flows, wherein at least one of the platinum electrodes has a smallerarea than the gas diffusion layer, where the gas diffusion layer protrudes beyond theplatinum electrode for a part of an edge region of the membrane/electrode unit, so thatthe formation of an electrochemical potential in this part of the edge region of themembrane/electrode unit is prevented in order to prevent damage to the membrane.
申请人:Siemens Aktiengesellschaft
地址:Muenchen DE