专利名称:Apparatus for Brewing a Beverage发明人:Allen M. Han,Eric Nguyen,Jerilynn Ng,I-Hsuan Tsai,Huang Wan Ting
摘要:An infusion chamber has a top perimeter cover that defines an aperture to passair to an air vent and receive fluid from fluid outlets. The infusion chamber has an outerchamber and an inner chamber positioned within the outer chamber, where the spacing
between the outer chamber and the inner chamber defines a void. An air manifold ispositioned at the base of the inner chamber. The air manifold includes air inlet channels,air exit channels and an interior solids filter. The infusion chamber also has a base housingpositioned at the bottom of the infusion chamber, and a plunger positioned in the basehousing to selectively evict liquid from the inner chamber.
申请人:Teforia Company
地址:Mountain View CA US