专利名称:Suspension strut
发明人:Garcia, Miguel Candela,Rivero, Felipe
摘要:A suspension strut comprising a tube substantially closed at both ends andcontaining fluid; a piston (42) slidably mounted in the tube and making a sealing fittherewith, the piston separating a compression chamber and a rebound chamber withinthe tube; a piston rod (18) attached to the piston, having a longitudinal axis (L), andextending through the rebound chamber and out of one end of the tube; a compressionstoke valve (64) comprising one or more deflectable discs (80,82) mounted on the pistonon the rebound chamber side thereof; a rebound stroke valve (66) comprising one ormore deflectable discs (68,70) mounted on the piston on the compression chamber sidethereof; a compression flow passage (60) extending through the piston from a positioninside the outer peripheral edge of the deflectable disc or discs of the compressionstroke valve to a position outside the outer peripheral edge of the deflectable disc ordiscs of the rebound stroke valve in a direction substantially parallel to the longitudinalaxis of the piston rod; and a rebound flow passage (62) extending through the pistonfrom a position inside the outer peripheral edge of the deflectable disc or discs of therebound stroke valve to a position outside the outer peripheral edge of the deflectabledisc or discs of the compression stroke valve and at an angle to the longitudinal axis of
the piston rod.
代理机构:Denton, Michael John