
Signalling method and system for packet network

2020-10-13 来源:个人技术集锦

专利名称:Signalling method and system for packet


发明人:Iwata, Atsushi, c/o NEC Corporation申请号:EP93120895.3申请日:19931224公开号:EP0603915A3公开日:19970205


摘要:The invention provides a method which achieves reduction of virtual channelconnection delay time involved in signaling without using virtual channels as permanentvirtual channels (PVC) and without performing wasteful allocation of a signal bandwidth

and of a signaling system. In the signaling system, when transmission terminal 100transmits a packet, packet transmission control section 110 delivers a request fortransmission of a packet to signaling transmission section 101. Upon reception of therequest, signaling transmission section 101 searches VC and signal bandwidth table 102and sends out, when a virtual channel is registered and a necessary signal bandwidth isheld, a packet using the virtual channel, but requests, when a virtual channel is registeredbut the signal bandwidth is short, a packet switching system only for a signal bandwidthand then sends out the packet by way of the virtual channel. On the other hand, when novirtual channel is registered, signaling transmission section 101 delivers signaling torequest transmission of the next packet to the packet switching system. Table 102includes, for each destination address, virtual channel timer 112 for release the virtualchannel applied thereto after the virtual channel is held for a predetermined period oftime after it becomes free, and bandwidth timer 111 for reducing the signal bandwidthafter each predetermined interval of time after the virtual channel becomes free. Eachend of a packet transmission, the two timers are reset to clock.


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