专利名称:Polarization separating element and
method of manufacturing the same
发明人:Shinji Mitsuya申请号:US11064697申请日:20050223公开号:US07466486B2公开日:20081216
摘要:A polarization separating element which can be easily manufactured withoutincreasing the cost and can separate light into plural directions by using one sheet. Apolarization separating element includes a structural birefringence body having a base
body made of a photosensitive material of which periodic refractive index distributionsare formed in plural directions and at least a pair of surfaces is formed in the base bodyin which one surface is a light incident location and the other surface is a light emittinglocation.
申请人:Shinji Mitsuya
地址:Miyagi-ken JP
代理机构:Beyer Law Group LLP