专利名称:Device and method for imaging a multiple
particle beam on a substrate
发明人:Joachim Heinitz,Andreas Schubert申请号:US11270073申请日:20051109公开号:US07332730B2公开日:20080219
摘要:A device and a method for imaging and positioning a multiparticle beam on asubstrate is disclosed. The device comprises a particle beam source with a condenseroptic that produces a particle beam that illuminates the surface of an aperture plate. A
multiplicity of individual beams are produced from the particle beam by means of theaperture plate, which are then projected by a projection system onto a substrate wherethey describe a beam base point. The substrate or target, respectively, is placed on atable that is movable along an x-coordinate and a y-coordinate, and that is provided witha laser path measurement system. The laser path measurement system relays positionaldata with a fixed clock rate to a synchronization and control device that positions thebeam base point along the x-coordinate and the y-coordinate via a beam tracking system,taking into account the corrective data and pixel phase, whereby precise staircase beam-to-table positioning is achieved across the entire substrate in spite of faulty tablemovement.
申请人:Joachim Heinitz,Andreas Schubert
地址:Isserstedt DE,Niederrossla DE
代理机构:Houston Eliseeva LLP