专利名称:Water closet blowing warm air and water
closet unit attachable to toilet room
发明人:Taguchi, Yasuhisa,Endo, Makoto,Kawamoto,
Ryuichi,Saito, Shiro,Zaizen, Reigi,Komachi,Hiroshi,Narita, Naomasa
摘要:A sitting type water closet (1), comprising a toilet bowl (2), a warm air duct (4)which has a warm air outlet (5) disposed, on a lower outside portion of the bowl,backwardly in a direction of the rear portion of the bowl from the tip of the bowl, andconveys the warm air to a front portion of the bowl (2); and a warm air guiding groove (8)which extends from the ward air outlet (5) to the tip of the bowl, and has a width
gradually broadened out toward the tip. Further, a water closet unit capable of attaching
the same to a toilet room and blowing warm air out, comprising: an adapter (49) having ameans for fixing the adapter to the toilet room, and a warm air generator (12); and asitting type water closet (1) having a warm air duct (4) for conveying the warm air fromthe generator (12) to a space in front of the water closet; the water closet being attachedat the rear portion thereof to the adapter (49), and furthermore, a prefabricated toiletroom unit including the above water closet unit and also disclosed.
地址:6 Koiehonmachi 3-chome Tokoname-Shi Aichi-Ken 479 JP,1-1, Showa-cho Kariya-shi Aichi-ken JP
代理机构:Stuart, Ian Alexander