Dear Mr…
We are a group of consulting companies active in the field of export-import promotion and joint ventures especially set up to provide services to China.
We have noticed that several local producers of garments are interested in entering into a joint venture agreement with Chinese firms. Also, companies importing garments from Hong Kong wish to get into direct contact with producers on the Mainland. When I was in China recently I also noticed that the local demand for textiles had increased considerably in the past several years.
We would, therefore, appreciate it very much if you could give us whatever information you can in this regard.
Dear Mr Manager…
You requested in your fax of 4 April some information on opportunities for cooperation or joint venture with Chinese firms. As it is part of our policy to open up markets in your area, we welcome specific proposals from you, aiming at economic cooperation and technological exchange.
We are aware of the seminar sponsored by you in September last year regarding joint ventures and appreciate your efforts in promoting cooperation with us. For your information, we are sending you separately a brochure on the meeting announcing projects for technical cooperation in Textiles Products that we held in October 1996. We hope this will give the information you need.
Dear Mr…
We learn from your Embassy that you are manufacturing and exporting a variety of textile machines. As there is a demand here for high-quality knitting machines, we will appreciate your sending us a copy of your illustrated catalogue, with details of you prices and terms of payment. It would be most helpful if you could also supply information concerning the types of fabric to be processed and the type of yarn.
Dear Mr…
We thank you for enquiry of 9 January and are pleased to tell you that we manufacture and export different types of textile machinery, in particular, knitting machines. We can supply fabric setting machinery and printing equipment for cotton and polyester materials. We can also supply drying and calendaring machines to take care of the finishing to most of the knitted fabrics.
Would you please supply us with more information concerning the fabrics to be processed so that we may send you the quotations for the most suitable types of thinking machines we are able to supply.
We enclose some brochures to illustrate the types of machines we manufacture. We have already sold some of those machines to China and are now represented there by the Engineering Export Ltd. Beijing. May we suggest that you contact that company directly? We think the firm may be able to supply you with more quotations for a wider range of machines, including the knitting machines you requested.
Dear Sirs,
As the successful bidder of a water conservancy project in Southwest China, we are thinking of ordering some equipment (see attach list) in China according to drawings and specifications attached to this fax.
The work on the site is to begin in early May according to the contract. All offers must reach our Beijing Office at No.403, Friendship Hotel by the end of this month. Please note that we will not consider any offers that reach us after that date.
Dear Sirs,
We are very pleased to have received your enquiry for some water conservancy equipment of which we among the first rate producers.
As requested, we are sending you this fax offer for the quantity of specific equipment as enumerated in your enquiry together with some related literature.
We are ready to provide any further information or sample as requested and look forward to your favourable reply.
Dear Sir,
I invite you to join a group of individuals who share an interest in keeping pace with current developments in the Asia-Pacific region.
Founded in 1986, the Asia Society has built a reputation of the leading public organization dedicated to broadening American understanding of Asia and increasing communication between Asians and Americans.
For business executives, the Society has a corporate membership of 350 firms in Asia and the United States. I hope you will encourage your firm to join the Society as a member.
I look forward to welcoming you to the Asia Society family.
Dear Mr…
Mr Duncan, our managing director is shortly coming to San Francisco and would very much like to meet you and see over your factory. Our company are building a new office block and Mr Duncan is interested in obtaining quotations for the cost of furnishing these new offices, so his visit may be of value to you.
Dear Sirs,
Please send us your quotation by fax for the following commodities together with your latest catalogue:
Dear Mr…
Your firm has been recommended to us by the James Oliver & Co. of Coventry, with whom we have done business for many years.
We are interested in your electric heaters, particularly Model F, for use in offices and shall be glad if you will send us a copy of your illustrated catalogue and current price list.
Dear Mr…
As requested in your enquiry of 1 September, we enclose a copy of our latest illustrated catalogue of electric heaters.
You mentioned that you are particularly interested in Model F Heaters, our newest model. Without any increase in electric power consumption it gives out 15% more than earlier models, you will find in the price list particulars of our terms printed on the inside front cover of the catalogue.
We look forward to a trail order. This would e4nable you to see for yourself the high quality of the material and execution of this model and at the same time give you the opportunity to test its efficiency.
Dear Mrs Green,
We are a CPA firm currently seeking good business application software for microcomputers. We are interested in general business software for our clients.
Our firm has about 1500 clients and anticipate a growth rate of approximately 15 percent a year.
For hardware, both the IBM PC and the Zenith Executive are being examined. The availability of the software we need will influence our decision.
Please send us detailed information on any business application software you have. We will greatly appreciate receiving you information by September 8.
Dear Sirs,
Please send us, if available, a copy of the export directory of your state. If the directory is not available now, I would appreciate your placing us on the mailing list it will be published.
Dear Mr…
Thank you for your enquiry of March 8. We also confirm having received your sample.
We have carefully examined the sample and assure you that we are able to produce articles of identical type and quality. Based on your annual requirement, we are making you the following offer:
All items for which we have quoted are made from very best quality leather and can be supplied in a range of designs and colours wide enough to meet the requirements of a fashionable trade such as yours.
We look forward to receiving your order.
Dear Sirs,
Many thanks for the enquiry of 4 March 1999, reference MN/OI. We have pleasure in quoting as follows:
White 50/50 polyester/cotton mixture men’s shirts as per sample, label No. 203, in assorted sizes between 35 and 44 individually packed in plastic bags and boxed in 100’s no less than 50 of each size, packed in export crates of 1000 shirts.
US$5.00 per shirt
EXW Textiles Building Richmond
Payment by Irrevocable Letter of Credit opened in our favour with the Commercial Bank of Ruralia, Industrial Area Branch.
Quantity: Minimum order 1000 shirts, maximum present capacity 1000 shirts a month.
Delivery: Within 3 months of notification of receipt of Letter of Credit.
Validity: This quotation is firm for orders dispatched before 1 August 1999.
We hope that this meets with your approval. Please let us know if you require any further information or samples.
Dear Sirs,
We have received your quotation No.TY768 but regret to find the price irrelevant to current market trend.
Right now in Europe, there are more Asian sellers and more material from Eastern Europe. The Chief sellers, worrying about their market shares, are again lowering their prices. In the circumstances, the FH Group must have good reasons to be ready to accept last year’s price level.
According to our information, the FH Group’s tactic is to buy as much Chinese material as possible and pay a good price for it. Then they sell the Chinese material along with their own at the lower market price in Europe. Since their purchase from China is only a small part of their total sales, the cost of doing so is absorbed by the large profit margin of their own material. This means that when other competitors withdraw, Chinese suppliers will find it more difficult to sell and have to bow to the FH Group’s pressure to let it dominate the market.
We hope your will reconsider the matter and send us a new offer.
Dear Sirs,
Steadily rising prices over the past few years have been a common experience and our own costs have continued to follow the general trend. Until now we have been able to absorb rising costs by economies in other directions. But now we can no longer do so. Increases in our prices are
unavoidable. The new prices will take effect on 1st July and revised price lists are now being prepared. As soon as they are ready we shall be sending copies to all customers.
We, however, can assure you that the price increases will not exceed an average of about 5 percent. As general prices have risen by nearly ten percent since the previous issue of our price list, we hope you will not feel that our own increases are unreasonable.
Dear Mr…
Thank you for your fax of 22 August. We are indeed sorry you find our prices too high. Our quoted prices leave us with a small profit and if it were not for the regular orders we receive from a number of our customers, we could not have quoted for supplies even at those prices.
Our prices already make full allowance for large orders and, as I am sure you know, we operate in a highly competitive market in which we have been forced to cut our prices to the minimum. We wish we could lower our prices but unfortunately we cannot do so.
Despite our inability to offer you lower prices, we still hope we may receive an order from you.
Dear Mr…
In your fax of yesterday, you asked about the reason for the increase in price of our quotation No. as compared with the previous contract of similar product. This price increase, we must say has nothing to do with the current oil marketing trend, but is entirely due to increase in fright market and port congestion. To such general market sentiment, we really can do nothing to change.
We therefore, ask you to reconsider our quotation and place order in time.
Dear Sirs,
We refer to your fax of the 2ed, in which you asked for more favourable terms. We regret that at the present moment, we are unable to offer more than terms agreed upon last year.
Apart from the fact that our profit margin are already low, there is the additional problem of maintaining our retail prices at a competitive level.
We, nevertheless, are willing to give you a discount on larger orders and enclose a list of the lines with the appropriate discount against each one.
We hope that these generous discounts will bring about a substantial order.
We look forward to hearing from you soon.
Dear Mr…
We are sorry to learn from your fax of 22 August that you find our prices too high. We do our best keep prices as low as possible without sacrificing quality. To this end we are constantly enquiring into new methods of marking shoes.
Considering the quality of the shoes offered we do not feel that the prices we quoted are at all excessive, but bearing in mind the long-standing relationship between our firms, we have decide to offer you special discount of 3% on an order exceeding 10000. We make this allowance because we should like to continue to do business with you, but we must stress that it is the furthest we can go. We hope this revised offer will now enables you to place an order.
Dear Mr…
We thank you for your enquiry of 8 October and enclose our post. Their attractive designs and the reasonable prices at which we offer them will, we hope, convince you that our toys are really good value. Provided we receive your order by October, we make you a firm offer for delivery by the middle of November at the prices quoted.
On order for 300 prices or more we allow a special discount for 4% and look forward to receiving your order.
Dear Mr…
We thank you for your repeat order of Aceton but regret that the suppliers now are reluctant to offer firm in response to the reports of possible congestion at the destination port. Despite our best efforts to persuade them that this will not affect us and that the Buyers have very good relations with the port authority which will allow the carrying vessel to discharge without further investigation through their shipping agent.
Meanwhile we are trying to secure an alternative offer and will revert to the matter soon.
Dear Mr…
We have just bought from the producers a large quantity of high quality rugs and carpets at low prices.
As you are one of our regular customers, we should like you to share in the excellent opportunities our purchase provides. We can offer you woolen carpets with traditional patterns in a variety of colours at prices ranging from … to … per square foot. These prices are 5% below current wholesale prices.
This is an exceptional opportunity for you to buy a stock of high-quality products at prices we cannot repeat and we hope you will take full advantage of it. If you are interested, please contact our representative in New York not later than Friday next, the 6th of March.
Dear Manager,
As a leading department store, you might be interested in our paperlynen Adjustable Service Caps.
Paperlynen caps offer the ideal medium for keeping your name constantly before the public eye. Worn by storekeepers and employees, these caps will not only help sell your products but be a means of cooperative advertising. Paperlynen Adjustable Service Caps are preferred because of their:
Adjustable to any head size; always fit; look like linen; sanitary-clean.
Low cost
Cost less than the expense of having cloth caps laundered; this is a saving in addition to the saving of initial cost of cloth caps.
Light in weight; porous nature of crown permits free, filtered ventilation
Offer the opportunity of distinction through imprinting your firm’s name or trademark in a manner not possible on ordinary caps.
Several samples of paperlynen caps are enclosed. Please examine and test them. We sure you will like them.
We shall be glad to hear from you soon if you are interested.
Dear Mr…
We have not received any enquiry from you over the past twelve months. Up till then we counted you among our steadiest customers. We were confident that we were serving you with quality products and efficiency. Every year your order came in and was filled satisfactorily.
When your order ceased, we thought it might be a delay in your ordering cycle. Now we wonder whether some failure on our part has caused you to seek supply elsewhere. We can assure you that with our improved fulfilment procedure and our larger warehouse we can provide a greater variety of products and quicker response than was true a year age.
We Treasure your business. We know we can serve you well now. Please let us know what we can do to re-establish our relationship.
Dear Mr…
As an ABC Personal Computer user, you have learned how rich a range of function it performs.
Now we can offer you a high-speed laser print that gives your work the appearance of expensive typeset copy. Letters, manuals, instructions, catalogues, price lists— all can be printed directly by the
ABC PC, and one can save on such printing jobs.
Would you kindly give me thirty minutes to show you the versatility of this new printer to do the work you need done. I will call you at the beginning of next week to set up a mutually convenient appointment.
Dear Sirs,
We thank you for your quotation of 3 October and the sample garments you sent us. We find both quality and prices satisfactory and are pleased to place an order with you for the following:
The terms agreed upon with Mr.Wang during my telephone conversation this morning are as follows:
1. Prices as stated in your quotation of 3October to include delivery to final destination.
2. Payment to be made in Stering to your London representative within one month of the arrival of the goods at Liverpool.
3. Insurance to be arranged by you with a Lloyd’s broker through your London representative.
We should appreciate prompt shipment and hope to establish a regular connection for the future if this first consignment proves to conform to the samples supplied.
Dear Sirs,
We enclose our order No.345 for four items in your latest catalogue. We note that you can supply those items from stock and hope you will send them without delay.
Dear Sirs,
We were very pleased to receive your Order No.345 for bed sheets and pillow cases. We accordingly accept the order and shall arrange delivery as soon as possible.
We hope that will reach you in good time and that we may have further order from you.
Dear Mr…
We accept your order No.TR-89 for 2 tons of Fungus, but ask for two week’s delay in shipment. As you probably know, the recent dockers strike delayed our shipment from the Far East. However, the strike is over, and ships are being unloaded.
We sincerely regret any inconvenience you may have experienced, and are making every effort to speed up the delivery. Your order will be processed by June 10.
Dear Mr…
We hereby confirm the agreement reached this morning about special discounts on MD equipment as described on page 8 of our catalogue. These prices will prevail through 30 June.
We are pleased to have received your fax confirmation of agreement reached between us this morning about special discounts on MD equipment prevailing through 30 June this year.
We look forward to signing the Contract when we meet on 3rd June.
Dear Sirs,
We very much regret that we shall not be able to accept your order for Christmas packs of dates as supplied in previous years.
We are sure you will appreciate that the rough weather this year has made it impossible to purchase supplies at economic prices. Moreover, such purchases as we have made were not packaged in the traditional way. But in cartons with polythene tops. The price, therefore, is 20% higher than last year’s. Would you please reply at once if this interests you. In view of our long business connections we will definitely keep supplies available for you if you place an order within seven days.
Dear Sirs,
We have carefully considered your counter-proposal of 5thh May to our offer of woollen underwear, but very much regret that we cannot accept it. The prices we quoted in our letter of 2ed May leave us with only the smallest of margins, they are in fact lower than those of our competitors for goods of similar quality.
The wool used in the manufacture of our “Thermaline” range undergoes a special process that prevents shrinkage and increases durability. The fact that we are the largest suppliers of woollen underwear in this country is in itself evidence of the good value of our products.
If, having given further though to the matter, you feel you cannot accept our offer, we hope it will not prevent you from approaching us on some other occasions. We shall always be glad to hear from you and will carefully consider any proposal likely to lead to business between us.
Dear Sirs,
Thank you for letting us know about your concern that our quotation for 1000 Folden Chairs you enquired for last week is higher than the average market level.
As we understand your letter you feel you could have gotten essentially the same quality chairs as our last year’s As a result, you would like either to ask for the same price as last year’s or receive a 5% discount.
With the present market trend, we have to say that our price is really the best we can quote, notwithstanding we would do everything possible to make you satisfied with your purchase.
I hope this explanation answers your question concerning our price structure, and look forward to your order.
We regret not being able to accommodate your request for lower price to cope with the instability in the foreign exchange markets. We, however, are willing to accept your request to defer your next shipment until July to give you time to evaluate the impact of higher prices on demand.
In view of the face that the authorities are taking actions to stabilize the dollar, we suggest that you reconsider the matter and let us know your final decision.
We regret having to announce that beginning May I our export prices will be raised by 10% as a result of the recent sharp appreciation in the value of the U.S. Dollar on which our export prices are
Please understand that we have made every effort to absorb the US$ depreciation of 20% through cost reduction measures to share the entire burden.
Your understanding in this matter will be highly appreciated.
We have reluctantly decided to accept your proposal to raise the price by 10%beginning May 1.
We, however, would like to remind you that the increase at this time cannot help but depress sales considerably. It will also hurt our image with our customers who may choose to switch suppliers. We nevertheless will make every effort to minimize the damage.
Dear Mr…
Thank you for your order of May 6 for six hundred sets of “Peony” television sets, but since you make delivery before Christmas a firm condition, we deeply regret that we cannot supply you as we have done on so many occasions in the past.
The manufacturers are finding it impossible to meet current demand for this very popular set. We ourselves placed an order for twenty-four sets a month age, but were informed that all orders are being met in strict rotation and that our own could not be dealt with before the beginning of February.
I gather from your fax received this morning that your customers are unwilling to consider other makes. May I suggest that you try China National Light Industrial Products Corporation in Beijing.
They may be able to help you.
Dear Sirs,
Thank you for your fax of 7 July enclosing your order for 8000 metres of 100 cm wide CWT silk.
We are sorry we can no longer supply this silk. Fashions constantly change and in recent years the demand for watered silk has fallen to such an extent that we have ceased to produce it. In this place we can offer you our new “Gossamer” brand of rayon. This is a finely woven, hand wearing, non-creasable material with a most attractive lustre. The large number of repeat orders we regularly receive from leading distributors and dress manufacturers is clear evidence of the popularity of this brand. At the low price of only 1.80 a metre this rayon is much cheaper than silk and its appearance is just as attractive.
We are makers of other kinds of cloth in which you may be interested and are sending you a full range of patterns by parcel post. All these are selling well in many countries and we can safely recommend them. We can supply all of them from stock and if you decide to place an order, we could meet it promptly.
Dear Mr…
We regret very much that it is necessary to complain about the non-delivery of the 10000 tons of sugar under Contract BC-023.
In the above contract, the importance of delivery by the end of April is stressed. Failure to receive the sugar on time is causing serious inconvenience to the users. We, therefore, trust that you
will look into the matter and let us know when the sugar can be expected.
Dear Mr…
We were surprised to learn from your letter of 30 April that the 10000 tons of Sugar have not reached you. The sugar was despatched by rail on 28 April from Guangzhou and should have reached you the same day.
We very much regret the delayed delivery and the inconvenience it is causing you. We have already taken up the matter with the railway authorities at this end and as soon as we have any information we will fax you.
Meanwhile, may we suggest that you make similar enquiries at your end.
Dear Mr…
We have recently received a number of complaints from customers about your serges. The serges clearly do not match the samples you left with us.
The serges complained about are part of the batch of 100 pieces of 50 yards supplied to our No.AD-190 of May 10. We have ourselves examined some of the serges complained about and there is little doubt that some of them are shrinkable and others not colour fast.
We are therefore writing to ask you to accept return of the unsold balance of the batch referred to, amounting to 35 pieces in all, and to replace them by serges of the same quality as the sample.
Dear Mr…
We are sorry to learn from your fax of 30 May that you find our serges supplied to your order of 10 May not up to the sample.
From what you say it seems possible that a mistake has been made in the despatch of the materials meant for you and we are arranging for our representative in Paris to call on you within next week to examine the faulty materials.
If the quality of the materials delivery is found inferior to that of the sample, you can rely on us to replace the unsold part of the batch, and we shall do everything we can to ensure that such a mistake dose not happen again.
Dear Mr…
We have received your fax of 30 May and very much regret that some of your customers are dissatisfied with our serges supplied to your order No.D-190.
We have been manufacturing serges for many years and can claim to produce a material that no competitor has yet succeeded in producing at the price quoted. The reputation enjoyed by our serges on international markets testifies to their high quality. From what you say it would seem that some of material escaped the examination we normally give to all material in our inspection department.
We can understand your problem, but regret that we cannot accept your suggestion to take back all the unsold serges from the catch about which you complain. Indeed, there should be no need for this since it is unlikely that the number of faulty serges can be very large. We will of course replace any piece of serges found not to be satisfactory and on this particular batch we are prepared to allow you a special discount of 5% to compensate for your trouble.
Dear Mr…
The 100 Coffee Sets supplied to the above order were delivered yesterday, but we regret that 15 sets were badly damaged.
The packages containing the coffee sets appeared to be in good condition and we accepted and signed for them without question. We unpacked the coffee sets with great care and can only assume that the damage must be due to careless handling at some stage prior to packing.
We shall be glad if you will replace all 15 sets as soon as you can. Meanwhile, we have put the damage coffee sets aside in case you need them to support a chain on your suppliers for compensation.
Dear Mr…
We are sorry to learn from your letter of the 5th that some of the coffee sets supplied to the above order were damaged when they reached you. We will certainly replace them and have in fact instructed our Beijing Branch to send them by parcel post.
We regret the need for you to write to us and will do our best to improve our methods of handling so as to avoid further inconvenience to any customer. It will not be necessary for you to keep the damage coffee sets and they can be destroyed.
Dear Sirs…
We have received your goods covering our order No.555 of May 5 upon opening the cases we found case No.99 contained completely different articles.
As we are in urgent need of the articles, we ask you to arrange for the dispatch of the replacements at once.
A list of the contents of the wrongly dispatched case is attached. Please let us know what you want us to do with them.
Dear Sirs…
We are very sorry to hear that case No.99 under your order No.555 arrived with wrong articles. We have arranged for the right goods to be dispatched to you at once. Relative documents will be sent to you by fax.
Please keep the wrongly dispatched case No.99 until our forwarding agent takes delivery of it, and accept our apologies for the trouble you have been put to.
Dear Mr…
On May 4 we agreed on our second Chemicals contract with your company. The business is confirmed verbally by your Business Manager Mr Grant to our Sales Manager Miss Li at a price of US $ 40 per ton. We accepted his word and secured the quantity of product by making an irrevocable commitment to our suppliers. But, after ten days, Mr Grant suddenly demanded a lower price. To maintain the business, we have given a reduction close to his request. Still, we have not received the formal contract or acceptance of our vessel nomination. This behaviour is not typical of your company and we hope you will see to it that the business proceeds without further delay.
We are sorry to have to raise this question with you directly, but Mr Grant has departed on a business trip to Europe. We cannot leave this matter unresolved until his return.
We look forward to your urgent reply.