专利名称:Method and apparatus for electronically
distributing and viewing digital contents
发明人:James Sachs,Thomas W. Pomeroy,Aleksey
Novicov,Garth Conboy,Erik Walter,William S.Leshner,Brady Duga,Richard Wotiz
摘要:The present invention is a method and system for electronically distributing
digital contents. The digital contents include textual, graphical and pictorial information.At least one portable electronic book is operative to request a digital content from acatalog of distinct digital contents, to receive and display the requested digital content inreadable form. An information services system is in electrical communication with theportable electronic book to perform authentication and rendering the requested digitalcontent. An authentication server authenticates the identity of the requesting portableelectronic book. A copyright protection server renders the requested digital contentsent to the requesting portable electronic book readable only by the requestingportable electronic book. At least one primary virtual bookstore is in electrical
communication with the information services system. The primary virtual bookstore is acomputer-based storefront accessible by the portable electronic book. The primaryvirtual bookstore includes the catalog of distinct digital contents and a repository whichstores the distinct digital contents listed in the catalog.
代理机构:Townsend and Townsend and Crew LLP