
Collapsible receptacle type stand for use in trans

2021-09-27 来源:个人技术集锦

专利名称:Collapsible receptacle type stand for use in

transporting loaded grocery bags

发明人:Izora M. Roberts申请号:US05/644720申请日:19751229公开号:US04029244A公开日:19770614

摘要:The stand is for use in a motor vehicle. It has open and closed positions andwhen fully open provides a pair of adjoining compartments for receiving loaded grocerybags. The walls of the stand prevent the bags from tipping when they are subjected tothe inertial forces resulting from starting, stopping or turning of the transporting vehicle.The two compartments are independently foldable and are open at both top andbottom. The walls are pivotally connected at each corner to allow independent folding ofthe compartments between open in use positions for receiving a loaded grocery bag andclosed positions for more compact storage in the transporting vehicle. Friction locks areprovided at each pivot joint for overridably locking the stand in its open and closedpositions.


代理机构:Graybeal, Barnard & Uhlir

