专利名称:Method of fabricating multilayer ceramic
发明人:Satoshi Nakano,Yoshio Mizuno,Junzo
Fukuta,Katsuhiko Naka
摘要:A method of fabricating a multilayer ceramic substrate includes stacking one ora plurality of unfired ceramic greensheets on one or both sides of a previously fired
ceramic substrate, thereby forming a stack, each unfired ceramic greensheet having afiring temperature substantially equal to or lower than a firing temperature of thepreviously fired ceramic substrate, stacking a restricting greensheet on the unfiredceramic greensheet composing an outermost layer of the stack, the restrictinggreensheet having a higher firing temperature than each unfired ceramic greensheet,firing the stack at the firing temperature of the unfired ceramic green sheets with orwithout pressure applied via the restricting greensheet while the stack is underrestriction by the restricting greensheet, thereby integrating the stack, and eliminatingremainders of the restricting greensheet after the firing step.
申请人:Satoshi Nakano,Yoshio Mizuno,Junzo Fukuta,Katsuhiko Naka
地址:Ogaki-shi JP,Ogaki-shi JP,Nagoya-shi JP,Nagoya-shi JP