专利名称:Method and system for managing
transaction card data
发明人:Kogen, Mark,Tan, Warren申请号:EP00200711.0申请日:20000301公开号:EP1033688A1公开日:20000906
摘要:A method and system for managing transaction card data provides distributedservices for use of a transaction card, such as a smart card, on board a ship whenshipboard communication with a centralized host system is unavailable. Aspects of the
centralized land-based system, such as card issuance, card management, and issuer hostauthentication are migrated to the shipboard environment, and an on board issuancesystem, a distributed card management system, and a local monitoring and
administration system are introduced to the shipboard environment. When the shipleaves port, an instance of the central system database data for the on board shippersonnel is hosted on board the ship and stored in the distributed card managementsystem database. Tracking data representing current transaction information for thetransaction cards of the ship personnel is also stored in the distributed card managementsystem database, and at regular intervals, when ship-to-shore communication is available,the land-based and shipboard databases are synchronized with one another.
申请人:Citicorp Development Center, Inc.
地址:12731 W. Jefferson Boulevard Los Angeles, California 90066 US
代理机构:Hynell, Magnus