
Monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies to equine alb


专利名称:Monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies to

equine albumin and hemoglobin and

apparatus and methods using the antibodiesin the identification and localization of ulcersand other digestive tract bleeding in equines

发明人:Pellegrini, Franklin L.,Carter, Scott D.申请号:EP07253688.1申请日:20070918公开号:EP1927859A1公开日:20080604

摘要:A diagnostic and testing apparatus and related methods for the use of thesame are disclosed which derive and use antibodies to equine albumin and equinehemoglobin in testing apparatus, kits, and methods for detecting and localizing gastricand colonic ulcers or bleeding in horses. Fecal droppings from a horse to be tested areplaced in a container together with a buffered liquid solution and mixed thoroughly,following which several drops of liquid from the container are placed into a test kit. Visualmarkers in the test kits signify the detection of the indicators equine hemoglobin andequine albumin, which are respectively indicative of the presence of gastric and/or coloniculcers or bleeding.

申请人:Freedom Health, LLC

地址:65 Aurora Industrial Parkway Aurora OH 44202-8088 US


代理机构:Copsey, Timothy Graham

