
Exploration on New Ideas for the Scientific Research Archival Management in Colleges and

Conference Proceedings Citation Index Exploration on New Ideas for the S cientiic Research fArchival Management in Colleges and Universities ZHANG Yuxia (Binzhou Vocational College,Binzhou 256603,Shandong) Abstract.Scientiic research archifves are important pans of the archiva1 management in colleges and universities.Scientiic research farchives are the direct.harsh but factual historical materials for recording the research process of researchers.A scientific and effective management of archives is helpful for promoting the development and progress of science and technology in colleges and universities.The archives can be better managed only if the train of thought or fscientiifc research archives management ideas is known wel1. Keywords:Scientific Research Archives;Colleges and Universities;Management and Innovation l Intr0ductiOn phase management in accordance with the sequence.Scientific Scientiifc research archives are the true reflections to the hard work of researchers in the research process.in which not only the research process and also the technological achievements,award research project archiving is an important job for the archives management personnel,and timely collecting,classifying,and saving scientiifc research project rchiaves is a respect for the work results of scientiifc researchers.Scientiifc research project archives mainly include(1)the document materials,audio and video ifles, image data,pictures,photographs,and digital data containing preservation value and forming in the research process,to mainly certiifcates,approved documents,audio and video files,pictures, images,and digital data of researchers are recorded carefully; various forms of carriers are archived as historical records.The level and quality of scientific research archives directly reflects the science and technology academic level of a schoo1.Moreover, scientific research archives are important bases for the title record the project issuing documents,approval applications, contracts,assignment books,thesis proposals,investigation appraisal,classiicatifon,and promotion of researchers,and also witness to the strength of a school and play a vital role in the reports,project demonstration materials,and cooperation agreements with the cooperation units;(2)the interim report, progress report,test report,test data,and patent applications sustainable development of schools in terms of teaching,scientiifc research,and evaluation. in the research phase;(3)project summary report,work study report,technical report,benefit analysis report,application report, published papers,and monographs,expert review opinions, 2 New definition to the scientiic research farehiving scope of colleges and universities To archive scientiic researches,itf is necessary first to conclusion assessment report,and subject summaries during the phase of identifying the acceptance.These valuable documentary materials are the important reference bases for descendants to carry out innovative and in—depth studies. 2.3 Scientiic research rfesult archives classify the archived contents and save the valuable scientiifc and technological achievements and research materials in accordance with the scientiic research archiving stifpulations.In the scientiic fresearch archives management,the integrity,authenticity,and In scientific research achievements archives,achievement honor certificates,academic papers,works and patents,and technology transfer documents are mainly included,in which the whole process of the scientiifc research production and practical activities are recorded.Scientiifc research achievements archives are the important means of recording the scientific research standardization of archives are necessarily maintained though some scientiifc research archives do not possess a great value.The following contents are necessarily incorporated into the archiving scope of scientiifc research records. 2.1 Scientiifc research documentary archives With the continuous development of scientiic research fwork methods,science and technology experience,and resource reserves.Therefore,scientiic research archifves are the important undertakings,the management of documentary archives plays a very important role in the scientiifc research management.In documentary archives,all details about an entire activity are recorded,including plans,summaries,and the scientiic research fpillars of the archival management in colleges and universities, but also the important bases for reflecting the scientiifc research level ofa schoo1. management files of units and superior management departments, the administrative documents formed in the special administrative activities fe.g.results management and intellectual property 3 The problems and reasons of scientiic fresearch archival management 3.1 Incomplete scientific research archival collection by colleges and universities There are reasons in many aspects.First,many most management),and the expert evaluation opinions,arguments nd ademonstration,and meeting records in the project evaluation process. 2.2 Scientiifc research project archives scientiifc researchers only pay attention to the project research practice,academic papers publishing and achievement reports,and are unskillful at accumulating the data and documents formed in Scientiifc research project archives are mainly divided into project prophase management,metaphase management,and later- International Journal of Technology Management the research process and often randomly abandon these important materials.Second,the researchers‘awareness in the archival management is weak,and they often think the archiving work is a business of the scientiftc research department and doesn‘t 4.1 Establishing a scientiifc and standardized programming management system Scientific research archives are the important historical records reflecting subject researches.For better spec ̄fying the scientific research archival management work and improve the matter with them.Third,they are not aware of the importance of the archival management-archival data is not only a true quality and utilization eficifency of scientific research archives, documents are necessarily arehived in accordance with the Regulations on the Science and Technology Archiving issued by the State Council.Thus,the scientific research archival management can gradually develop towards a scientific, record to their own labor achievements,but also a platform and historical record of showing the school science and technology achievements. 3.2 Imperfect scientific research archival management system The scientific research archival management system is imperfect in colleges and universities,which is the most important reason to affcct the scientific research archival management quality.The scientific research archives management work is difficult to persuade people to take the initiative to provide relevant archive materials if there are effective restriction means. Thus,the centralized and unified management of scientific research archives can‘t be realized let alone the integrity and normativity of the archival management;the scientific research archival management is in a dead state,and the archiving job can‘t be finished on the schedule,making the advantage and scientiifc research strength of colleges and universities greatly affected. 3.3 Not enough attention paid by colleges and universities to the scientiifc research archival management From the rea1 work.the scientiifc research archiving werk has some limitations.and also some leaders do not attach great importance to the scientific research archiving work so that the focus of the scientiifc research archiving work deviates.Moreover, the infrastructure and the necessary material conditions are poor,and the work place is not obvious and the influence is not big,so that the scientiifc research archives can‘t be quickly and effectively developed and utilized. 3.4 Insufficient understanding of scientiifc research archival management Researchers’awareness in也e scientiifc research archlyes is weak and also their sense of responsibility is not strong,so that hte archiving qualiyt is directly affected.Meanwhile,they cannot accumulate materials according to various stages of the scientiifc research activities,thus making the documentary materials rachived incompletely and non-standard.Many researchers only pay attention to hte research process and achievements but ignore the scientiifc research material archiving work,and also they are inactive to cooperate with hte archival management personnel and often think that the archiving task is a business of the scientific research management department and has nothing to do with them.Some researchers are unwilling to provide their raw data for archiving and think the data is their own work achievement and should be managed by themselves for the sake of easy self- viewing. 4 Suggestions on strengthening the scientiifc research archival management in colleges and universities standardized and programmed direction. 4.2 Strengthening the archival management of the key scientiifc research projects Key projects and high・level research results are reflections to the scientific research strength and level of colleges and universities.Therefore,the archival management of the key scientiifc researches is necessarily more carefu1.For key projects, a classified management is necessary from the very beginning; each project is managed independently in the process including protect set—up applications,deceleration document,contract or commitments,staged technological innovation,research results, interim report,progress investigation,patent application,and special funds usage that are necessarily specifically recorded and classiifed into archives.This is of very important historical significance to the science and technology development of colleges and universities. 4.3 Strengthening the scientific research a rchives information-based management It is an urgent need to strengthen the information-based management for the scientiifc research archives.That is to say,the modern management model can be applied to the management of the scientific research archives with the aid of the modern science and technology.Meanwhile,the scientific research project management and achievements management software suitable for diferent units is necessary for realizing the scientiifc research archives info1333ation.based management.On this basis. all approved project subjects,results,papers,works,and patents are entered into the system,and then a network query system is built.In this way,related data can be rapidly,accurately queried, but also the work efifciency can be improved,so as to truly realize the information-based management for the scientific research archives. 4.4 Improving the scientific researchers‘awareness in document archiving Scientiifc research personnel are the main bodies of scientiifc research archives.It is necessary to enhance the promotion of science and technology archives and the science and technology personnel‘s awareness in laws and regulations.The improvement of scientiifc researchers,awareness in document archiving plays a vital role in the standardized management of scientiifc research archives.At the same time,scientific research personnel and rachiving management personnel must improve their scientiifc and technological literacy,possess a high sense of responsibiliyt and 一97— Conference Proceedings Citation Index the dedication to work,better hold a sincere attitude toward work, keep high enthusiasm for work,the scientiifc research archiving work as their due responsibility and obligation,and also increase the awareness in archival management.so that the scientific research archival management attains a leap—forward development in colleges and universities. 4.5 The development and utilization of scientiic researfch Archives Management in Institutions of Higher Learning【J].Joumal ofToday’s Science and Technology Garden,2008(9):9-10. [2/New Ideas for the Scientiifc Research Archives Management in Institutions of Higher Learning http://blog.sina.com. 【3]Li Xin.Exploration on the Scientific Research Archives Management in Colleges[J】.Journal of Exam Weekl ̄2010(41): 21O一211. archives Scientific research archives feature bearing and historic characteristics.At present,the development and utilization of 【4]Shi Shuwen.Exploration on New Ideas orf the Scientiifc Research Archives Management in Colleges and Universities[J].Journal of Management,2010(7):280. scientific research archives still stay at the traditional model to (5]Zhang Yongmei.Analysis on Scientiifc Research Archives a large extent,and it consumes time and manpower to check up these archives.Although there are computers currently,the scientific research archiving is limited to the document text entry and the paperless and network level for the utilization of archives is not high,so that the archival management work lags and the effective utilization of archives is affected.Therefore.it is necessary to create a modem management model and gradually realize the archives management with computer management software,so as to effectively improve,develop and utilize the archival resources with the help of network. 5 Conclusion Therefore.the scientitic research archival management personnel in colleges and universities should actively explore the principles and ways of scientiifc research management,study the best methods for the scientific research archival management, continuously develop and utilize the archival information resources,broadly meet the needs of the society,and create good favorable conditions for scientific research personnel,so that these people can concentrate on researches and also the school’s academic levelis promoted to a new leve1. 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