
Method and apparatus for analyzing the phases of a


专利名称:Method and apparatus for analyzing the

phases of a multi-phase mixture

发明人:Gerard Meunier申请号:US08/737575申请日:19961115公开号:US05783826A公开日:19980721

摘要:An apparatus and method of analyzing phases of a multi-phase mixture allowsan analysis of a mixture that has great turbidity or is opaque. An emission device emitselectromagnetic radiation in a direction of a measurement cell. The electromagneticradiation is back scattered by the mixture and is detected by a primary detection device.A secondary detection device may detect electromagnetic radiation that is transmittedbut is not back scattered by the mixture. A moving device displaces the primary detectiondevice in order to carry out a plurality of detections at a predetermined step over thelength of the measurement cell. The scanning of the cell allows one to obtain a cycle ofmeasurements that produces a phase profile of the mixture.


