专利名称:Presenting media content items using
geographical data
发明人:Robert Van Osten申请号:US13110863申请日:20110518公开号:US08584015B2公开日:20131112
摘要:Systems and techniques are disclosed for generating a geographically basedslideshow of a user's digital media items such as photos or videos. A slideshowframework receives user-specified digital images, ordering them according to time of
capture, organizing the ordered images into groups, each group corresponding to adifferent geographical region, and generating a slideshow of the user-specified imagesusing maps of the different geo-graphical regions and visual transitions between thedifferent geographical regions.
申请人:Robert Van Osten
地址:Campbell CA US
代理机构:Wong, Cabello, Lutsch, Rutherford & Brucculeri, LLP