Performance Review Policy
(Company Name) has adopted a policy of administering performance reviews for all employees. Performance reviews are designed to help keep employees on the right track with direction and goals that will lead to their continuous improvement and provide career advancement opportunities. Performance reviews assist in the identification of strengths and weaknesses in organizational abilities and capacities that will aid in the development of effective training, employee placements and productivity forecasts.
All employees and management staff will be subject to performance reviews at (XXXX) intervals within the fiscal year. Reviews will be based upon performance standards, goals and objectives identified in employees’ respective job descriptions.
This Policy Shall:
1. Discuss rationale
2. Provide procedures for performance reviews 3. Determine employee responsibilities
Rationale for performance reviews are based on the following:
The process is designed to facilitate two-way communication between employees and management regarding performance and personal development. All employees are encouraged to engage in open and honest dialogue both at the review meetings and all year round. There should be no surprises at the performance review meeting.
Achievement of (Company Name) Objectives
The process draws attention to the contributions made, past and present, by every
individual in achieving (Company Name) objectives. Setting objectives for future activity allows individual, team and/or departmental objectives to be aligned closely to the strategic and operational plans.
Templates and policies from PEI BioAlliance are provided for clients of our service. Customers may use this document as is, or as a starting point for their own documents PEI BioAlliance assumes no responsibility for the enforcement or effectiveness of its templates and policies. Always consult legal counsel before implementing any new policies or procedures at your organization.
Clarification of Work Responsibilities and Monitoring Performance
Performance reviews provide tools for the clarification of expectations and priorities, and for monitoring performance.
Responsibility for Individual Performance and Development
The process is designed to give ownership for performance and development to
individuals, whilst at the same time recognizing the important role of management in providing leadership, constructive feedback, guidance and support.
Straightforward and Streamlined Procedure
The performance review process is designed to be user-friendly. There are guidance notes to support it and there is training available. This will help ensure that the process is non-discriminatory, transparent and consistently applied, but most importantly that all development activity is aligned with the strategic business objectives.
Continuous Improvement
The process is intended to promote continuous improvement in personal competence and work performance, and facilitate the achievement of this by means of agreed action plans and objectives.
1. Review the goals and objectives (performance standards) in the job description.
2. Use a performance report form to collect the information using the objective statements (or performance standards).
3. The supervisor and staff members use the program staff review form to record performance observations. Each objective or performance standard should be assessed as a measure of performance.
4. A joint performance review meeting between supervisor and staff is scheduled to: • Discuss the assessments;
• Identify specific objectives for further development; • Develop a professional development plan;
• Review the behavior guidance policy and guidelines. 5. Negotiate recommendations based on this discussion that include: • Identified actions needed to meet the objectives; • Time frame;
Templates and policies from PEI BioAlliance are provided for clients of our service. Customers may use this document as is, or as a starting point for their own documents PEI BioAlliance assumes no responsibility for the enforcement or effectiveness of its templates and policies. Always consult legal counsel before implementing any new policies or procedures at your organization.
• Training and resources needed for expected level of performance.
6. Prepare a summary report of the discussion and recommendations. Two copies of each report are prepared and both will be signed by the supervisor and the staff
member. One is placed in the staff’s personnel file and the other is given to the staff member.
Employee Responsibilities • Consult with their supervisor, seek advice and express views about any aspect of work;
• Provide advice on performance criteria and plan performance enhancement strategies;
• Self-assess achievements against approved objectives; • Seek clarification on job expectations;
• Seek opportunities and take responsibility for ensuring staff development and career advancement needs are met; and
• Participate in their Performance Review (XXXX number of times/year). Management Responsibilities • Initiate and ensure that the Performance Review is completed (XXXX number of times/year) for each employee;
• Treat employees in a fair and equitable manner;
• Provide the employee with details of work expectations, including setting performance objectives and reasonable timeframes for their achievement; • Provide employees with recognition where appropriate;
• In consultation with the employee, establish performance criteria that align with operational and strategic plans;
• Discuss work performance with the employee on an on-going basis, including identifying and clarifying underperformance issues;
• Review employee performance against established criteria;
• Develop, in consultation with the employee, strategies for performance enhancement;
• Facilitate employees to undertake training and development opportunities that align with the (Company Name) goals and where possible support other career development opportunities.
Templates and policies from PEI BioAlliance are provided for clients of our service. Customers may use this document as is, or as a starting point for their own documents PEI BioAlliance assumes no responsibility for the enforcement or effectiveness of its templates and policies. Always consult legal counsel before implementing any new policies or procedures at your organization.