
Content display device


专利名称:Content display device

发明人:Takumi Akiyama,Shigeru Imai,Shin

Miura,Masami Matsubara,Shinji

Akatsu,Takehiko Hanada,Hiroki Sakaguchi



摘要:A content display device includes a content setting storage means for storing acontent setting which associates a content selection request with a content which an

external device has, a content setting server means for accepting a content setting froma content setting client on a network to update and manage content settings stored inthe content setting storage means , and a display content management means forreading a content setting corresponding to the content selection request from thecontent setting storage means to present the content which the content setting clienthas to a display means , or, when the content setting corresponding to the contentsetting request does not exist, displaying a method of accessing the content settingserver means and identification information for identifying the content setting client onthe display means

申请人:Takumi Akiyama,Shigeru Imai,Shin Miura,Masami Matsubara,ShinjiAkatsu,Takehiko Hanada,Hiroki Sakaguchi

地址:Tokyo JP,Tokyo JP,Tokyo JP,Tokyo JP,Tokyo JP,Tokyo JP,Tokyo JP


代理机构:Birch, Stewart, Kolasch & Birch, LLP

