专利名称:Optical device with large thermal impedance发明人:John E. Cunningham,Ashok V.
Krishnamoorthy,Ivan Shubin,GuoliangLi,Xuezhe Zheng
摘要:Embodiments of an optical device, an array of optical devices, and a techniquefor fabricating the optical device or the array are described. This optical device is
implemented on a substrate (such as silicon), and includes a thermally tunable opticalwaveguide that has good thermal isolation from its surroundings. In particular, a portionof a semiconductor in the optical device, which includes the optical waveguide, is freestanding above a gap between the semiconductor layer and the substrate. By reducingthe thermal coupling between the optical waveguide and the external environment, theoptical device can be thermally tuned with significantly less power consumption.
申请人:John E. Cunningham,Ashok V. Krishnamoorthy,Ivan Shubin,Guoliang Li,XuezheZheng
地址:San Diego CA US,San Diego CA US,San Diego CA US,San Diego CA US,San DiegoCA US
代理机构:Park, Vaughan, Fleming & Dowler LLP
代理人:Anthony P. Jones