专利名称:System and method for providing a user
interface for managing calls received at amobile device
发明人:Lawrence Edward Kuhl,Raymond Paul
Vander Veen,Anton Epp,Keizo Marui,LeonidLeon Vymenets
摘要:Embodiments of a system and method for providing a user interface formanaging calls received at a mobile device is described. The user interface provides anincoming call screen to the user, where the incoming call screen comprises a calleridentification data field for displaying data associated with incoming calls and at least onekey label field in which labels for mobile device keys (e.g. send and end keys) aredisplayed. The area of the caller identification data field is substantially greater than thearea of the at least one key label field, enabling more information pertaining to incomingcalls to be displayed to the user. In at least one embodiment, this is facilitated byproviding user-selectable options for responding to incoming calls in an options menu,which can be accessed by a user but is not initially displayed to the user when an incomingcall is first received.
申请人:Lawrence Edward Kuhl,Raymond Paul Vander Veen,Anton Epp,KeizoMarui,Leonid Leon Vymenets
地址:Waterloo CA,Waterloo CA,Breslau CA,Waterloo CA,Thronhill CA
代理机构:Bereskin & Parr LLP/S.E.N.C.R.L., s.r.l