
Method and apparatus for pausing a send queue with


专利名称:Method and apparatus for pausing a send

queue without causing sympathy errors

发明人:Danny Marvin Neal,Gregory Michael

Nordstrom,Gregory Francis Pfister,RenatoJohn Recio



摘要:A method and apparatus for pausing a send queue while preventing sympathy

error from propagating through a SAN fabric system is provided. The method andapparatus place a send work queue in an error state, i.e. pauses the send work queue,when a reliable data error occurs in the send work queue but does not place any otherwork queues in an error state. In this way, the send queue experiencing the error is notable to send any further messages until error recovery is performed. However, otherwork queues continue to be able to send and/or receive messages. Once error recoveryis performed, the send work queue that was placed in the error state is returned to aworking state and is able to continue to send messages. In addition, the send queue thatwas in the error state will send the messages that it attempted to send at the time of theerror. The messages sent will continue from a last known point at which the send workqueue was operating properly. Other features and advantages of the present inventionwill be described in, or will become apparent to those of ordinary skill in the art in viewof, the following description of the preferred embodiments.


代理人:Duke W. Yee,Mark E. McBurney,Stephen J. Walder, Jr.

