
Method for regulating the quantity of dampening so


专利名称:Method for regulating the quantity of

dampening solution supplied to a wet-offsetrotary press

发明人:THIELE, KARL-HEINZ,JENDGES, MANFRED申请号:EP89114629.2申请日:19890808公开号:EP0355571A2公开日:19900228


摘要:The subject of the invention is a method for regulating the quantity ofdampening solution supplied to a wet-offset rotary press, in which dampening water is

taken from a wetting tank by means of a film dampening device and is supplied to theprinting plate on the plate cylinder via dosing cylinders, chroming cylinders anddampening inking forme cylinders. The dosing and chroming cylinders have their owndrive independent of the drive of the printing unit. In order to ensure automaticadaptation of the dampening to the respective production speed, by maintaining thecorrect ink/water ratio even over a range of the paper running speed which is very broadand reaches high values, the regulation of the rotational speed nF of the dosing andchroming cylinders is dependent on the paper running speed vP along characteristiccurves (16a, 16b). Setting out from a basic setting (n'F, v'P) determined manually, thecurves (16a, 16b) describe the ratio of the increase in the rotational speed nF of thedosing and chroming cylinders to the increase of the paper running speed vP in such away that this ratio has a constant value A up to vP = 200 m/min, has a constant value A1where A1 > A for 200 m/min < vP < 250 m/min, and has a constant value A once more forvP > 250 m/min.


地址:Max-Planck-Strasse 15 D-72639 Neuffen DE


代理机构:Stenger, Watzke & Ring Patentanwälte

