专利名称:Laser system with short pulse characteristics
and its methods of use
发明人:William Telfair,Ronald Avisa,Stuart
Mohr,David M. Buzawa
摘要:A laser system that includes a diode pump source. A frequency doubled solidstate visible laser is pumped by the diode pump source and produces a pulsed laser
output with a train of pulses. Resources provide instructions for the creation of thepulsed output, with on and off times that provide for substantial confinement of thermaleffects at a target site. This laser system results in tissue specific photoactivation (or TSP)without photocoagulation damage to any of the adjacent tissues and without causing fullthickness retinal damage and the associated vision loss.
申请人:William Telfair,Ronald Avisa,Stuart Mohr,David M. Buzawa
地址:San Jose CA US,Newark CA US,Menlo Park CA US,San Jose CA US
代理机构:Townsend and Townsend and Crew LLP