
Efficient method for producing compositions enrich


专利名称:Efficient method for producing compositions

enriched in total phenols

发明人:Gerald T. Gourdin,Steven L.

Richheimer,Michael S. Tempesta,David T.Bailey,Rebecca L. Nichols,F. JosephDaugherty,Delano R. Freeberg



摘要:This invention provides a process for the preparation of compositions enrichedin total phenols from a crude plant extract. The process includes a novel columnpurification step using a brominated polystyrene resin. This invention also includescompositions enriched in total phenols. The enriched compositions are characterized ascontaining monomeric, oligomeric and polymeric phenols and having HPLC

chromatograms substantially as set forth in FIGS. -. This invention encompasses methodsof using the total phenol-enriched compositions for treating warm-blooded animals,including humans, infected with paramyxovaridae such as respiratory syncytial virus,orthomyoxovaridae such as influenza A, B, and C, parainfluenza, Herpes viruses such asHSV-1 and HSV-2, and Flaviviruses such as West Nile Virus, and for treating inflammationsuch as caused by arthritis, stress and digestive disease.

申请人:Gerald T. Gourdin,Steven L. Richheimer,Michael S. Tempesta,David T.Bailey,Rebecca L. Nichols,F. Joseph Daugherty,Delano R. Freeberg

地址:Boulder CO US,Westminster CO US,El Granada CA US,Boulder CO US,BroomfieldCO US,Omaha NE US,Algonquin IL US


