
雅思口语当季话题卡:Describe someone who is knowledgeable 描述知识渊博的人.doc


雅思口语当季话题卡:Describe someone who is knowledgeable 描述知识渊博的某人


这个题目的信息点只有一个,即knowledgeable 知识渊博的。那么怎样才能在我们的描述中体现一个人的知识渊博呢?大体上来说有两种方式:第一,他知道自己领域以外的东西。比如一个数学系的大学教授同时知道很多历史知识,或者一个工程师同时了解许多名胜古迹背后的故事;第二,他在许多领域都做出了贡献。比如一个人既是音乐家,又是诗人,又是科学家,又是工程师,那么他绝对是个知识渊博的人。第一种方式更适合于描述我们身边的父母,朋友,亲戚等;第二种方式则更适合描述历史上的伟大人物。两者没有什么优劣之分,只要大家能把自己想说的内容说清楚,言之成理即可。


You should say:

Who this person is ?这个人是谁

How you know this person ?你如何认识的他

What kinds of things he knows ?他知道哪些事情

And explain how you think of this person ?你怎么看待这个人



The knowledgeable man I am going to tell you is Leonardo Da Vinci, an Italian living from the end of 15th century to the beginning of the 16th century, one of the three most outstanding artists in?Renaissance, author of the eternal paintings,?Mona Lisa and The Last Supper, and?probably the greatest artist throughout human history.


I have known him since I was a little child at the secondary school. The Chinese textbook has a long article on his artistic achievements and his status in history. But at that time I thought he was nothing more than a great artist. This article is from Laokaoya website. Then I came across his biography at the college library and began to realize what a knowledgeable person he was.


His fields of interests involved sculpture, music, maths, engineering, astronomy and history and had made his own contribution to all these areas. ?He was called

the father of architecture and ichnology. Some people even claimed he had come up with the concepts and designs of parachute, helicopter and tank, which did not become reality until the 20th century. Can you believe that.?

当然:如果谈到了学科Subjects相关的内容,不要忘记了当季话题卡Describe a subject of science?()的核心内容,也算是一箭双雕。


He seems to be a genius from another universe, leaving us normal folks far behind. I admire his gift and I’m astonished at what he had achieved with it. My knowledge is as trivial as ashes compared to his.

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