专利名称:Detector with variable sample rate发明人:Lee D. Tice申请号:US09164498申请日:19981001公开号:US06222456B1公开日:20010424
摘要:A detector includes a sensor of an ambient condition. Outputs from the sensorare sampled at a predetermined rate when the outputs do not represent an alarmcondition. The outputs are analyzed using pattern recognition techniques to determine ifa predetermined profile, which precedes the presence of an alarm condition, is present.
In the event that the profile is detected, the sample rate is increased along withassociated sample value processing. The detector includes a programmable processorcoupled to the sensor. The processor includes pattern recognition instructions fordetecting the presence of the predetermined profile. The processor also includesinstructions for altering the sampling rate in response to the detected presence of theprofile. A second sensor can be incorporated to provide sample rate altering signals.
代理机构:Rockey, Milnamow & Katz, Ltd.