
2020届高考系统复习英语大题精做7 七选五 记叙文(教师版)


大题精做七 七选五 记叙文 精选大题 A

【2019·北京卷】Much of the work in today’s world is accomplished(完成) in teams. Most people believe the best way to build a great team is to gather a group of the most talented individuals. 1 Companies spend millions hiring top business people. Is their money well spent?

2 They focused on football, basketball and baseball. The results are mixed. For football and basketball, adding talented players to a team proves a good method, but only up to the point where 70% of the players are top talent; above that level, the team’s performance begins to decline. Interestingly, this trend isn’t evident in baseball, where additional individual talent keeps improving the team’s performance.

To explain this phenomenon, the researchers explored the degree to which a good performance by a team requires its members to coordinate(协调)their actions. 3 In baseball, the performance of individual players is less dependent on teammates. They conclude that when task interdependence is high, team performance will suffer when there is too much talent, while individual talent will have positive effects on team performance when task interdependence is lower. If a basketball star is, for example, trying to gain a high personal point total, he may take a shot himself when it would be better to pass the ball to a teammate, affecting the team’s performance. Young children learning to play team sports are often told, “There is no I in TEAM.” 4

Another possibility is that when there is a lot of talent on a team, some players may make less effort. Just as in a game of tug-of-war(拔河比赛), whenever a person is added, everyone else pulls the rope with less force.

5 An A-team may require a balance—not just A players, but a few generous B players as well. A. It’s not a simple matter to determine the nature of talent. B. Sports team owners spend millions of dollars attracting top talent. C. The group interaction and its effect drew the researchers’ attention. D. Stars apparently do not follow this basic principle of sportsmanship. E. Several recent studies examined the role of talent in the sports world. F. Building up a dream team is more complex than simply hiring the best talent. G. This task interdependence distinguishes baseball from football and basketball. 【答案】1-5 BEGDF









【2017·全国卷I】If anyone had told me three years ago that I would be spending most of my weekends camping, I would have laughed heartily. Campers, in my eyes, were people who enjoyed insect bites, ill­cooked meals, and uncomfortable sleeping bags. They had nothing in common with me. 6 The friends who introduced me to camping thought that it meant to be a pioneer. 7 We slept in a tent, cooked over an open fire, and walked a long distance to take the shower and use the bathroom. This brief visit with Mother Nature cost me two days off from work, recovering from a bad case of sunburn and the doctor’s bill for my son’s food poisoning.

I was, nevertheless, talked into going on another fun­filled holiday in the wilderness. 8 Instead, we had a pop­up camper with comfortable beds and an air conditioner. My nature­loving friends had remembered to bring all the necessities of life.

9 We have done a lot of it since. Recently, we bought a twenty­eight­foot travel trailer complete with a bathroom and a built­in TV set. There is a separate bedroom, a modern kitchen with a refrigerator. The trailer even has matching carpet and curtains.

10 It must be true that sooner or later, everyone finds his or her way back to nature. I recommend that you find your way in style.

A. This time there was no tent. B. Things are going to be improved. C. The trip they took me on was a rough one.


D. I was to learn a lot about camping since then, however. E. I must say that I have certainly come to enjoy camping. F. After the trip, my family became quite interested in camping. G. There was no shade as the trees were no more than 3 feet tall. 【答案】6-10 DCAFE


6.上文 “They had nothing in common with me.” 说明作者原来认为他不会成为野营者。而下文主要描述的是“我”从最开始进行rough travel到有了pop-up camper再到有了trailer的过程,在这过程中作者对野营的好感逐步增加,对野营的相关知识也在逐步增长,上下文呈转折关系。D项:然而在那次之后,我学到了关于野营的很多知识,起到转折作用,引出下文,符合语境。故正确答案为D。

7.由下文 “We sleep in a tent, cooked over an open fire, and walked a long distance to take the shower and use the bathroom.” 可知,“我”的野营条件非常艰苦。C项意为“他们带我去的旅途非常艰苦”,引出下文,符合语境。故正确答案为C。

8.由下文 “Instead, we had a pop-up camper with comfortable beds and an air conditioner.” 可知,空格处是与下文形成转折的内容,A项意为“这一次没有帐篷”,与下文形成转折,符合语境。故正确答案为A。

9.由第三段第一句going on another fun-filled holiday可知,“我”对这次旅行非常满意,而由下文 “We have done a lot of it since.” 可知,“我们”都爱上了野营。F项意为“这次旅行后,我全家都对野营产生了巨大的兴趣”,承上启下,符合语境。故正确答案为F。

10.由下文sooner or later,everyone finds his or her way back to nature可知,“我”希望每个人都能找到回归自然的个性化方式。形成这一观点的前提是“我”自己已经爱上了野营。E项意为“我必须承认我已经开始享受野营了”,引出下文,符合语境。故正确答案为E。

模拟精做 A

【2019年浙江省嘉兴地区高三5月模拟考试】 What I learned watching dentist at work?

I would like to be a dentist in the future. 1 The patient, tender dentist comforted me, a 7-year-old girl at the time, and persuaded me to stop crying and to accept my treatment.

2 Recently, our teacher gave us the homework of experiencing a kind of job on the weekend. I chose


without hesitation to live a day as a dentist at my friend’s older brother’s workplace.

I got to Dr Tan’s clinic at 7:45am, 15 minutes before office hours began on Saturday. Dr Tan, who has been a dentist for five years, sat in his consulting room with a mask on his face and waited for his patients. I didn’t really understand his diagnoses or treatments, but I could see that Dr Tan was a responsible doctor. He explained conditions and therapies(治疗方案) to patients at length to remove their doubts. He paused operations to let patients rest if the treatment was taking too much time. 3 Dr Tan worked for almost the whole morning without a break. He only made a phone call to his wife to remind her to have an antenatal(产前) examination. Yes, he will be a father in five months, but he still cannot keep his wife company at the weekend. 4 They try to ease others’ pain anytime and anywhere, despite the cost to their own time and life.

As the last patient said goodbye to Dr Tan in the afternoon, my visit came to an end. I now feel that I understand more about doctors. 5

A. My dream has finally come true. B. They are the heroes I admire most.

C. Doctors are ordinary people, yet they are also angels. D. It helps me to reduce stress, find friends and learn new skills. E. I thought it was a dream that was almost impossible to fulfill F. That’s all because of a dentist I came across during my childhood.

G. He also gave a doctor’s advice to his patients carefully before they went out of the door. 【答案】1-5 FAGCB



2.根据前一段说“我”想要做一名牙医和后一句I chose without hesitation to live a day as a dentist可知“我”终于有机会实现愿望了。故选A。

3.前面几句 “He explained conditions and therapies to patients at length to remove their doubts. He paused operations to let patients rest if the treatment was taking too much time.” 都在介绍Dr Tan的工作态度,之后的句子是总结Dr Tan整个上午的工作状态,所以选择G符合行文逻辑。


5.根据前文 “As the last patient said goodbye to Dr Tan in the afternoon, my visit came to an end. I now feel that


I understand more about doctors.” 可知作者通过自己的亲身体验更加了解牙医这个职业,所以用一句总结性句子进行概括:他们是我最崇拜的英雄。故选择答案B。


【2019年陕西省西安市高三第三次质量检测】Lizzy Greene’s official website says it all: “Actress, Artist&Animal Lover.” At 13, Lizzy has performed in children’s theater, and she is a trained gymnast. She is most known for her role as Dawn Harper on Nickelodeons Nicky, Ricky, Dicky&Dawn. Now Lizzy is taking on another role—as a voice for animals.

6 She grew up with dogs, and her family’s pet is a 110-pound German shepherd(牧羊犬) named Jett. On the show, Lizzy shares the screen with a lovable 20-pound dog named Squishy Paws. In second grade, she stationed herself outside her school to ask for donations(捐款) to a local animal shelter. 7

Now Lizzy is also speaking out for farm animals. She’s recently joined The Humane Society of the United States, Meatless Monday movement. She encourages young people to take a break from eating meat on Mondays. 8 And she’s encouraging the under-20 crowd to take part.

Lizzy knows that raising animals for meat causes pollution, uses a lot of natural resources(资源) like water and also harms animals. 9 Choosing meat-free meals one day a week is also a great way to feel healthy.

Many K-12 schools, universities and hospitals nationwide have started Meatless Monday programs.

“It’s so easy to love animals.” Lizzy says. 10 For some kid-and-animal-friendly meatless recipes(食谱), visit humonesociety. org/kindnezws.

A. It’s easy to eat animal-friendly foods, too. B. Lizzy has only just begun her bright career. C. Animals have always been a big part of Lizzy’s life. D. And Lizzy says she has always wanted to help animals.

E. Cutting meat from our diet once a week helps the environment and animals. F. Kids’ breakfast can be as simple as trying a vegetable burger instead of a hamburger.

G. After the movement, Lizzy says she wants to save a few more lives and force humans to eat healthier. 【答案】6-10 CDGEA







9.根据下文Choosing meat-free meals one day a week is also a great way to feel healthy(每周选择一天不吃肉的饮食也有利于保持健康)可知,选项E:每周一次减少一餐肉类有利于保护环境和动物切题。

10.根据前文It’s so easy to love animals(爱动物很容易)可知,此处应是:吃动物友好型的食品也不难。选A。


【2019年河南省八市重点中学高三9月月考】When we talk to our friends online, typing can become a little boring. We turn to memes(表情包) to make our conversations more fun. 11 At least 10 students who were admitted to Harvard University lost their chance to study there after posting offensive(攻击性的) memes in a private Facebook group, the university’s student newspaper, the Harvard Crimson, reported on June 5. Rather than just regular jokes, the memes “went to truly dark and ugly place, joking about Orthodox Jews(犹太教徒), the gas chambers(毒气室), Mexican children and suicide,” reported CNN. 12 But later, some students set up another group where they traded several offensive memes. When Harvard University found out about the group, it took back the students’ offers. 13

“I appreciate humor, but there are so many topics that just should not be joked about,” incoming freshman Jessica Zhang told the Harvard Crimson. “I do not know how those offensive images could be defended.” 14 “It sounds like Harvard is going too deeply into the private lives of students,” Alan Dershowitz, a retired Harvard Law School professor, told The Guardian. “It may affect them for life.”

15 Last year, a similar Facebook group for admitted Harvard students drew criticism from the university after some of its members posted racist jokes.

A. The incident has caused fierce debates, both in the university and around the world. B. A world-class university should help students open minds and overcome bias(偏见). C. However, others believe the university overstepped the boundaries.

D. The group was originally meant for would-be Harvard freshmen to get to know each other before they began university.

E. Jeff Yang, himself a graduate of Harvard, said the university was right to punish the students. F. But sometimes, sending the wrong meme can make trouble.

G. In fact, this is not the first time Harvard has dealt with a case like this 【答案】11-15 FDACG




12.根据上一段提到一些学生在群里发送有攻击性的表情包,以及下文But later, some students set up another group where they traded several offensive memes(但后来,一些学生成立了另一个小组,在那里他们互发了一些攻击性的表情包)可知本空是继续说明:这个群一开始是为了使得大学新生们彼此认识,但是后来就出现有攻击性的表情包。故选D。

13.下文:“我喜欢幽默,但有很多话题不应该被拿来开玩笑,”即将入学的大一新生Jessica Zhang告诉《哈佛深红报》。该空引出下文,可知选A:这个问题在大学甚至全世界都引起了激烈的讨论。




