


Last Weekend with My Family

Last weekend was a really fun and special time for me and my family! We didn't have any big plans, but we ended up doing a lot of fun activities together. It was the kind of weekend that makes me feel so lucky to have such a loving family.

On Saturday morning, I woke up pretty early like I usually do. I could smell something delicious coming from the kitchen. I got out of bed, put on my slippers, and went downstairs to see what was going on. My mom was making her famous pancakes! She makes the fluffiest pancakes with chocolate chips mixed right into the batter. My dad was helping by frying up some bacon and sausage patties.

My little sister Emily was still asleep, so I got to eat first. I poured a big glass of orange juice and dug into the pancakes covered in syrup. My dad sat down across from me and we talked about my favorite subject - dinosaurs! I told him all about the cool facts I had learned about Velociraptors. He said he couldn't wait to take me to the natural history museum again soon.

After breakfast, we all got ready for the day. My mom suggested we go to the park since it was such a beautiful sunny day. We drove over and played at the playground for a couple hours. Emily and I took turns going down the big twisty slide over and over again. My dad pushed us really high on the swing set. For a little while, my mom just sat on a bench and read her book, but then she came over and played tag with us. I'm pretty fast, but she's even faster!

We had worked up quite an appetite after running around at the park, so we stopped for pizza on the way home. My favorite is pepperoni pizza, but Emily likes just plain cheese. We picked up a couple pies and got them with one of each topping.

Back at home, we had a picnic blanket out on the living room floor and watched a movie while we ate our pizza. We watched Toy Story since it's a classic that we all love. I'll never get tired of Woody, Buzz Lightyear and the whole gang!

After the movie, my dad said we should get some fresh air again and go for a walk around the neighborhood. We followed him out and walked for almost an hour, pointing out all the dogs and cats we saw to Emily. We stopped about halfway and got ice cream cones from the ice cream truck driving around.

When we got back home, it was starting to get pretty late in the afternoon. We relaxed for a little while, and then my mom and dad started making dinner. They made beef stew in the slow cooker with lots of potatoes, carrots, and celery. While they cooked, Emily and I played a board game together. I'm better at Candy Land, but she always beats me at Chutes and Ladders. Finally it was time for dinner, and the whole house smelled amazing! The stew was perfect for a cool spring evening. We ate at the dinner table together, talking and laughing like we always do at meals. For dessert, my mom had baked an apple pie earlier in the day. We each had a big slice with a scoop of vanilla ice cream.

We were all really full and sleepy after our big dinner. Emily went to bed pretty early, but I was allowed to stay up a little bit later. My parents and I cuddled up on the couch together and they let me pick a movie for us all to watch. I picked my favorite, The Lion King. It's such a classic!

By the time the movie was over, I could barely keep my eyes open. My dad carried me up to my bedroom and tucked me into bed. I gave him and my mom big hugs and kisses and thanked them for such a wonderful day. Then I fell sound asleep, dreaming about more fun adventures with my family.

The next morning was Sunday, and I woke up to the smell of bacon again. My dad was making his signature breakfast burritos with eggs, bacon, cheese, and salsa. We ate those for breakfast while watching cartoons together in our pajamas. So cozy! After breakfast, we had just enough time to squeeze in one more fun activity before the weekend was over. We decided to have a family game night! First my mom and dad played a board game with just Emily and me. They let us win to make us feel good. Then the four of us split into teams - kids versus parents - for some bigger games.

My dad and I were on a team for charades. We worked really well together and managed to guess almost all of the clues right. My mom's team with Emily wasn't quite as good, but they still had fun.

Next we moved on to trivia. There were questions about movies, books, sports, and lots of other topics. My parents knew a lot more of the answers than we did, but Emily and I helped out when the questions were about kids' movies and TV shows. It was a close game!

Finally for the last game, we had a great big family competition of Pictionary. We all drew terrible doodles and shouted out guesses while dissolving into laughter. Even though

it was just the four of us, we had an absolute blast. Games really do bring families closer together.

After we played games for a couple of hours, it was

lunchtime. My mom ordered us pizza again since it was easy and none of us felt like cooking. We got a couple of side salads and wings too. We ate everything while watching funny videos together.

Once lunchtime was over, it was unfortunately time for the weekend to come to an end. My dad had to get ready and go back to his office for a few hours, and my mom had to start getting things prepped for the new week. Emily and I spent the last little bit of weekend playing with our toys and running around in the backyard.

Finally my dad came home from work and we all had dinner together. My mom had gotten takeout chicken parmesan from a local Italian restaurant. I love their breadsticks! We ate and talked about all the fun things we had done over the past couple of days.

After dinner, it was time for bed and the start of a new school week. I gave my parents hugs and kisses, told them I loved them, and headed upstairs to get ready for bed. As I was putting on my pajamas, I thought about what an amazing

weekend I had just had with my family. We had done so many fun activities, spent tons of quality time together, and made a million happy memories. I felt so grateful and lucky.

Some kids' families aren't very close or don't do a lot of things together. But my parents make spending time as a family a huge priority. We may not always go on big fancy trips, but we find a million ways to have fun right here at home. Weekends like this last one are a regular occurrence, and I wouldn't have it any other way!

As I snuggled up under my covers, I started thinking ahead to the next weekend. I couldn't wait to see what sort of adventures my wonderful, loving family would go on then. No matter what, as long as we were together, I knew it would be amazing. The end!
