-CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1
河北建设勘察研究院有限公司 Hebei Research Institute of Construction &Geotechnical Investigation Co.,Ltd. 储罐桩基工程 Pile Foundation Project for Storing Tank 编码CODE YDLNG-HBJK-QC-003 文件类别 Doc. Type 检验试验计划 Inspection And Test Plan 文件名称 Doc. Title 桩基检测检验和试验计划 Pile testing Inspection And Test Plan 版次 Rev. A B C 日期 Date 2013.4.1 2013.4.8 2013.4.11 编制 Prepared By 审核 Reviewed By 批准 Approved By 业主/监理 CBI Owner/ Supervision 修改说明 提交供审核 Revision Description. IFA(Issue for Approval) 3
承包商标识 Contractor Logo 工程名称:粤东液化天然气项目储罐EPC工程(桩基工程) Project name: YUEDONG LNG Project Tank EPC Project (Pile) 建设单位: 中海油粤东液化天然气有限责任公司 桩基检测检验和试验计划 Pile Testing Inspection And Test Plan Building unit:CNOOC Eastern Liquefied Natural Gas Co., Ltd. EPC单位: CB&I欧洲工程公司 EPC unit: CB&I Europe B.V. 监理单位:广东国信工程监理有限公司 第三次修订 Edition-C Supervision unit:Guangdong Gosun Engineering Management Co., Ltd 施工单位:河北建设勘察研究院有限公司 Construction unit: Hebei Research Institute of Construction & Geotechnical Investigation Co.,Ltd. 日 期: 2013 年04月 11日 Date: April 11,2013 注:检查项目 (IP) R =文件审查 W = 见证点 H =待检点 S=巡检点 Note: Inspection Item R= Review Point W= Witness Point H= Hold Point S=Selective Point 承包商 监理 业主 证明文件 ContCBI SuperOwne项目 测试内容 承包商验证程序 验收标准 vision r ractEfficacious Item Activity Test Method Acceptance Criteria or certificate I日I日I日I日P 期 P 期 P 期 P 期 施工前准备 检测单位资质 审核 资质文件 H R R R Examine and Enterprise Preparing Enterprise 第三方 Third I日P 期 备注 1
before construction 施工前准备 quality of testing company 1、施工方案报审 verify quality File Preparing Testing method before construction statement report 施工前准备 检测人员资质Preparing 报审Testing before personnel report construction 静载试验 vertical compression static pile load test 审核 Examine and verify 方案文件 Method statement quality File H R R R 审核 Examine and verify 资质文件 Quality File 混凝土抗压强度检验报告 Compressive strength examining report 桩基检测报告Piles testing report H R R R 混凝土抗压强度 Compressive strength 审核 Examine and verify CBI (159746-000-SP-SP-54009) ≥45Mpa H R R R 内部桩静载试验 Interior Piles vertical compression static pile load test 竖向荷载 Vertical load 静载试验 Vertical compression static pile load test 静载试验 Vertical compression static pile load test CBI (159746-000-SP-SP-54009) 10800KN H W W W 外部桩静载试验 Perimeter Piles vertical compression static pile load test 竖向荷载 Vertical load 桩基检测报告Piles testing report CBI (159746-000-SP-SP-54009) 13740KN H W W W 2
声波检测 Cross-hole sonic testing 声波检测试验 桩完整性 Cross-hole sonic Pile integrity testing 预选会 Meeting of Selecting in advance 桩基检测报告Piles testing report CBI (159746-000-SP-SP-54009) H W W W 施工中桩号可调整Pile number can be adjusted 声波检测 Cross-hole sonic testing 声波检测 Cross-hole sonic testing 声波检测 Cross-hole sonic testing 声波检测 Cross-hole sonic testing 确定声波检测桩号 会议纪要 Confirming the number of pile Recording gist inspected with of meeting sound-wave 注浆配合比 配合比设计报告 取样、送检 Poured slurry Report for Mix Sampling and Mix Proportion testing Proportion Design 注浆配合比 配合比设计报告 审核 Poured slurry Report for Mix Examine and Mix Proportion verify Proportion Design 检测后注浆 注浆量 施工记录 Poured slurry Quantities of Construction after Poured slurry record inspection 桩完整性 Pile integrity 低应变检测试验 Low-strain integrity test H H H H JGJ55-2011 H W W W H R R R H S S S 低应变检测 Low-strain integrity test 桩基检测报告Piles testing report CBI (159746-000-SP-SP-54009) H W W W 3