【教学案例1】NSEFC Book 2 Unit 1 Cultural Relics阅读课的导入环节
T: Today we are going to start a new book,Book 2. And this book begins with Cultural Relics. What are cultural relics?
S: I think they are things from the past.
T: Thank you! You are almost right. The word “culture” means the beliefs, ways of life, art and customs shared by a particular group of people. The word “relic” means an object, custom or art form that is holdover from old times. So cultural relics are traces or features surviving from a past age and serving to remind people of them. Now let me show you some pictures. Please think of what they are and whether they are cultural relics or not.
【评析】开门见山式词汇导入法适用于主题涉及新词汇的阅读课,尤其是那些新词汇较抽象时,用直入主题讲解的方式能为学生扫除理解障碍,若配上相关实物图片则更有利于学生理解。教学案例1的单元标题为“Cultural Relics”,这两个单词既是课文核心词汇,也是新单词,而且又比较抽象,教师以开门见山的方式呈现并解释了cultural relics,易于学生理解主题,为接下来的阅读做好准备。
【教学案例2】NSEFC Book 3 Unit 1 Festivals around the World阅读课的导入环节
T: Morning! Class! How many festivals do you know? Work with your partners, and list as many as you can.
【评析】头脑风暴式词汇导入法适用于主题较为宽泛的阅读课,为学生搭建一个利用发散思维搜索已学词汇的平台。学生中词汇量大者必然会输出一些其他同学不太熟悉的词,借此,教师可适当拓展其他学生的词汇,以旧带新。如在教学案例2中,大多数学生输出了Spring Festival, Mid-autumn Day, Thanks-giving Day, Christmas等旧词,少部分学生输出了Easter, Valentine’s Day等新词,教师趁机在黑板上写下新词汇,让全体学生一起掌握。
【教学案例3】《21世纪学生英文报》高二版第448期第一版Enjoy Your Job阅读课的导入环节
1. Ask the students to try to remember the words in the two lists in three minutes.
2. Divide the class into four groups. Ask the students to fold the newspapers. Make the four groups compete in translating the jobs without looking at the passage.
【评析】竞赛式词汇导入法能迅速激发学生的学习主动性。在竞赛的热烈氛围中开始一堂阅读课既适用于常规课堂,也是借班上公开课时开课教师偏爱的方式,因为这种积极氛围有助于减少陌生师生间的距离感。教师要注意将竞赛规则讲解到位,赛后公正评出优胜者,适当给予肯定与奖励,且适时带读、解释所涉及词汇中大部分学生所不熟悉的词汇。教学案例3中竞赛内容为阅读材料中提到的工作名称,有些词汇如author, artist, firefighter等为课标词汇,要求学生掌握,可在竞赛时在PPT上逐个跳出此类词的中文,要求学生抢答翻译成英文甚至要求拼写,抢答正确者得分。有些词汇如psychologist, CNC machinist等不是课标词汇,为话题拓展词汇,不需要掌握,能认读即可,可在PPT上逐个跳出英文,要求学生抢答翻译成汉语即可。
【教学案例4】NSEFC Book 4 Unit 4 Body language阅读课的导入环节 T: Morning! Class! Please watch a video clip and fill in the blanks according to what you have watched:____ percent of what we communicate with others is non-verbal, including tone of voice, ____, ____ and .
T: So what’s your answer? Yeah, together. 93 percent of what we communicate with others is non-verbal, including tone of voice, posture, facial expression and different gestures.
T: What does posture mean?
S1: The way you stand or sit.
T: Good. And gesture?
S2: The movement of your body, especially your hand.
T: Right. Thank you! Can you use two words to replace “posture, facial expression and different gestures”?
S3: Body language.
T: Right. So body language is of great importance in communication.
【评析】教学案例4先播放了一段介绍non-verbal communication的视频,用视频呈现了部分课文中的新词汇。利用多媒体手段呈现视频、音频等教学材料作为导入环节的内容是阅读课的常用手段,因为多媒体方式具有直观性、交互性、动态性且信息容量大。用多媒体呈现视听语言材料,在生动的语境中引出新词汇,可让学生更容易理解新词汇。教师要注意根据阅读课主题挑选适合的视频、音频素材,并根据素材语言难易程度选择随后的词汇教学方式。
【教学案例5】网络文章What about Abstinence?阅读课的导入环节
T: Morning! Everyone! I like reading books. What do you like?
S1: I like watching movies.
T: If you watch a lot I will have some advice for you: You’d better abstain from over-watching movies because it does harm to your eyes. (Write down the sentence on the blackboard.)
(PPT shows a picture of Kong Fu Panda with food.)
T: What does Kong Fu Panda like?
S2: He likes eating.
T: I also have some advice for him: He is too fat. He must abstain from overeating. (Write down the sentence on the blackboard.) Can you guess the meaning of the word “abstain”?
S3: To forbid somebody or to prevent somebody from doing something.
T: Thank you! Abstain means to decide not to do something, especially
something you like or enjoy, because it is not good to your health, or it is considered morally wrong. Now I’d like you to complete some sentences using the new word “abstain”.
Sentence 1: Mr Green is suffering from lung cancer, so he _________.
S4: So he’d better abstain from smoking.
(Show the following picture.)
Sentence 2: If you want to lead a happy and healthy life, please _______ before marriage.
T: What does the poster mean? Can you see the bride and the bridegroom? S5: I think the poster means if you are pure, you will have happy marriage. So please abstain from sex before marriage.
T: You make a very good sentence. The practice of abstaining from something is called abstinence. (Show the following picture.) Look, these young people choose abstinence. Now we are going to talk about a passage about abstinence. I’d like to see whether abstinence is your choice or not.
【评析】教学案例5包括了情境猜词和情境造句两个读前活动。abstain与abstinence 是文章关键词。笔者放弃了对这些词进行开门见山式的讲解,而是创设情境让学生在猜词中领悟词汇含义,在造句中掌握词的搭配与使用,意在让学生更深刻到位地理解词汇。设置情境时配以图片有助于学生更有效地理解情境,促使其输出准确的语言。经过这个情境式猜词造句的导入环节,学生不仅掌握了关键词,而且对于阅读材料的主题有了一定了解。