




\"Ah! Really exciting!\" Have a look who's that girl? Slippery grass is so excited, that girl is me.

国庆放假,终于可以放松一下了,这时,我已经站到了银川沙湖的滑草地区了。从滑草区的顶端向下望去,坡度非常陡,感觉上觉得接近九十度。心里突 然想:我是怎么有勇气上来的?我怎么有勇气滑下去?但一想到是和姐姐两个人一起坐的,就感觉不是很怕了。看着铺上仿真草的沙坡,从远处看,好像沙坡上真长 了一层厚实的草一样,感觉真美。

National Day holiday, finally can relax, then, I have been to Yinchuan Shahu skiing area. Looking down from the top of the skiing area, the slope is very steep, feel feel close to ninety degrees. My heart suddenly think: how do I have the courage to come up? How can I have the courage to slide down the slide? But the idea of sitting together with the sister of two individuals, we feel is not afraid of the. Looking at the shop on the simulation of grass slope, from a distance, as if the Shapo really long thick straw, feeling really beautiful.

轮到我滑了,我还是有些紧张,坐到滑草的那个垫子上,看到坐到后面的姐姐脸上没有一丝害怕,我想:她可真厉害,居然一点儿都不怕!可以滑了,叔 叔一推垫子,垫子就带动我们滑了起来。我感觉我在和风赛跑,呼呼的,我一动都不敢动,更不敢东张西望,眼睛直直的向前看,这时我的心怦怦直跳,感觉要从胸 膛圼蹦出来了,手紧紧的抓住扶手,估计有人用锤子凿我的手也凿不开。快要下去了,坡和平地之间有个角度,我以为会飞过去,结果是滑过去的,虚惊一场的我着 实被吓了一大跳,到了平地上了,我以为会停下来,结果因为冲力太大,滑板还在向前冲,速度还不是一般得快,滑了一段时间后


It's my turn to slip, I was a little nervous, sat on the mat skiing, see sitting behind the sister face is not a trace of fear, I think: she can be really powerful, actually not afraid! Waterloo, uncle a push pad, pad to we slip up. I feel like I'm in a race with the wind, whistling, I dare not move easily, but did not dare look around, eyes straight ahead, then my heart pounding, the feeling from the chest Nie popped out, hands tightly grasp the handrail, estimated with a hammer chisel my hands were cut without open. Going down, an angle between slope and flat, I thought they would fly past, the result is a slip past, I really was shocked, to the ground, I think that will stop, the results because the force is too large, slide still ahead, speed is not usually soon, the slide after a period of time just slowly stopped.


Sliding after, heartbeat soon, mom told me when the slide down, because the speed is too fast, coupled with the grass is not smooth, I face the intense shaking, estimated to be frightened. I told my mother, skiing I feel great, very exciting. But think about the process was smooth, the feeling of fear or some.

我滑过滑梯,滑过沙子,这次滑草,太刺激了! I slip slide, across the sand, the grass, so exciting!
